Gary Nelson

Author - Project Manager - Speaker - Game designer

Gary M Nelson is a project manager by trade, and a regular public speaker. He writes in several genres, and has published six project management books, five of them for children, which have been translated into Japanese, Portuguese and Spanish. He developed a teaching game based on the first book in the series - The Ultimate Tree House Project. A Manga graphic novel adaptation of the Project Kids Adventures series is currently in progress, and will be released in Japanese, English and Portuguese.

He also writes science fiction under the pen name J. J. Mathews, with the seven-novel Taylor Neeran Chronicles series finished in early 2023.

His latest series, The Recycled Earth, begins with Searchers, releasing August 2023.


  • Business Writing
  • Children's Fiction
  • Science Fiction


  • Corporate Writing
  • Competition Judging
  • Novelist
  • Proofreading
  • Public Speaking
  • Readings
  • Readings (adults)
  • Technical Writing
  • Website Content
  • Workshops (adults)






Illiya (Taylor Neeran Chronicles #1)

A.D. 3485

All Taylor wanted was to get to know her mother.

Now, she may never get that chance.

Taylor went along for the ride to help her mother survey a new planet, and the offer of a few extra course credits for doing field work certainly didn’t hurt.

A planet on the edge of disputed territory, sure, but the war with the Xathen had ended thirty years ago, and the Commonwealth had won. It didn’t matter that the first survey ship failed to return, things like that happen during wartime.

But this was just term break, with two whole months to work alongside her mother and get to know her better while she sharpened her Xenobiology skills in a verdant paradise.

With any luck, she would graduate early.

Then Taylor messed up, big-time.

Now she was lost, alone and struggling to survive, stranded ten thousand light-years from home.

Print ISBN: 978-0995103405

Available in paperback and ebook formats.

Incursion (Taylor Neeran Chronicles #2)

A.D. 3485

Twenty-year-old Taylor Neeran is settling in to her new life on the forest planet called Aeden, but all is not well in paradise. She has sent messages off to the stars to let the crew know she is alive, and hopes that one day her mother and the crew will return. She has also transmitted details about the Illiya and the exotic wonders of the planet to the crew of the Zanzibar and the University, but others have intercepted her messages.

A ship arrives bearing comforts of home, and a terrible secret. When the visitors’ true purpose is revealed, Taylor finds herself fighting to defend her new home alongside unexpected allies.

Trapped on an alien planet ten thousand light years from Earth, Taylor will soon bear witness to the fate of Aeden as the planet is engulfed in a war they have no hope of winning…

Print ISBN: 978-0995103429

Available in paperback and ebook formats

Intercession (Taylor Neeran Chronicles #3)

AD 3486

Aeden was suffering.

The Reapers had finally been destroyed, leaving the planet scarred and countless creatures lost.

The process of recovery had begun, but it will take lifetimes to repair the damage inflicted upon the planet.
Now is a time of recuperation, new growth, and family... and new hope in a future that had almost been lost.

Balance must be restored for the planet to fulfil its purpose, even as Taylor finds new life blossoming within her.

However, recent events have attracted unwanted attention. The Xathen are coming to investigate, and no act of intrusion goes unpunished.

When the Xathen arrive, Taylor finds herself an invader on a world that is not her own, in command of forces she barely comprehends.

With the Orion Spur once again on the brink of destruction, the only thing that stands between the Xathen and the unsuspecting Commonwealth is... Taylor Neeran.

Print ISBN: 978-0995103450

Available in paperback and ebook formats

Icarus (Taylor Neeran Chronicles #4)

AD 3487

Taylor Neeran, Star-Killer.

That’s what she was being called throughout the Xathen dominion. Turn the minor star of the Franath binary system into a black hole, and they gave her that title. She was famous, infamous, whatever. It’s not like it was a handful of stars, one star wasn’t that many, the galaxy has billions of them. But sometimes it was the small actions that got the most attention. One star to save a hundred unsuspecting worlds and a trillion lives, in some ways it was more than a fair trade.

It wasn’t her fault the minor sun had failed to complete its transformation into a black hole. Instead, it had become a neutron star, a pulsar , spraying death across the Franath system.

Franath was now spoken in whispers or not at all, as if the word itself was cursed.

But she was going to fix it.

In order to save eight billion souls, Taylor Neeran, Star-Killer and Spirit-Mother of Aeden was going to tame a star.

Or die trying.

Of course, not actually die, that would help nobody. But she was going to try really, really hard…

Print ISBN: 978-0995103498

Available in paperback and ebook formats

Gazza's Guide to Practical Project Management: Tips and Advice on Surviving the Project Management Journey

Life is complicated. If we can simplify the job of getting things done, the better off we usually are. This is particularly important in managing projects. In this book, Gary (Gazza) tackles the complexity of managing projects by breaking the essential components of Project Management down into practical, simple concepts. Whether you simply have an interest in Project Management or are already managing them, this book has something for you.

For most people, we remember things best when they are accompanied by music, or are part of a story. While there is no musical score to this book, there are plenty of project management lessons wrapped in entertaining stories to help the concepts stick. Featuring popular episodes from Gazza's Corner blog and all-new content, this book addresses the four main stages of typical projects: Initiation/Planning, Execution, Closeout and Project Control.

What you will find in this book:

  • Learn about the importance of the Project Kickoff - and why you need a Monkey to help you through it.

  • Need to create a new Project Plan? Learn to write it as a story based on lessons learned from a famous author.

  • Writing requirements? Learn how to develop exceptional ones through lessons learned from Ice Cream - and the Spice Girls.

  • Implementing Organizational Change? Learn how to do it successfully by growing a Desert.

  • Learn about the essentials of Risk Management from a pocket umbrella in the heart of the Australian Desert.

  • You can't get there from here: tips on getting things done, in spite of it all.

  • A playful theory on the origin of writing - and why it is so important that we write stuff down.

  • Working with Virtual Teams or Volunteers? Read key lessons on working with both types of teams.

  • And many other topics.


From managing hundreds of small, concurrent projects to multi-year, multi-million dollar ventures, Gazza shares his 20+ years of experience and lessons learned to help you along the project management journey.

Print ISBN: 978-1478345046

Available in paperback and ebook formats

The Ultimate Tree House Project (Project Kids Adventures Book 1)

10 year old best friends Ben, James, Tim & Tom find the perfect tree in a forest near their school and begin to build the Ultimate Tree House. Things start with a bang, and get even worse when Ben's sister Amanda discovers them working on their secret tree house. Next thing they know, the girls are building their own - in the same tree - and it looks even better than the boy's! How are they doing it? What is their secret weapon? After the accident, everything changes and the boys are forced to team up with the girls - as if that would ever work!

This book introduces basic Project Management concepts to children through an entertaining, funny story and simple lessons taught to one of the children by her father who is (of course) a Project Manager. She applies what she has learned and suddenly the girls are leaping ahead of the boys who had just "started building" - without a plan.

Come join this unlikely band of tree house builders - four girls, four boys - as they end up working together to complete the Ultimate Tree House Project!

Paperback ISBN: 978-1482558135

Available in paperback and ebook formats.

Other language editions: Japanese | Portuguese | Edición España | Edición Español Latinoamérica

The Scariest Haunted House Project - Ever! (Project Kids Adventures #2)

With last summer’s adventure in the Ultimate Tree House now a fading memory, Amanda is finding it hard to adjust to Middle School. New faces, new teachers, stuck in a different class than her friends - and if that wasn’t bad enough, now she is a “little kid” again. How much more of this could she take?

Meanwhile, Ben is on top of the world and enjoying school with his friends. His sister is in a different school and finally out of his hair - life was great!
All of this changes when a surprise announcement brings the Project Kids back together in a two-school competition to build the best Halloween display. Armed with Vampires, Goblins, Zombies, Ghosts and the lessons they learned on their previous adventure, it seems like there is no way they can lose!

This book builds on the Project Management concepts learned in The Ultimate Tree House Project, with a few more key lessons to help them handle more complex projects. Forced to handle constant changes, near-disasters and an immovable deadline, it is going to take their very best to get their project completed on time.

Join the Project Kids as they embark on their bravest adventure yet – to build the Scariest Haunted House – Ever. The kids get started on the project and soon learn that it is not just Haunted Houses that can be scary!

Paperback ISBN: 978-1493552979

Available in paperback and ebook formats.

Other languages: Japanese | Portuguese

The Amazing Science Fair Project (Project Kids Adventures #3)

Amanda was terrified. Sure, she and her friends had built a huge tree house and an awesome haunted house together - but now she was in way over her head. Those projects had been for fun - but this one was going to be marked! She and her lab partners have to do a class project for the School Science Fair - but they have absolutely no idea where to start or even what to do. Have they finally met their match?

Meanwhile, the boys have big problems of their own, and the outcome of their project could mean life or death! OK, maybe not actual death, but they could end up cold, wet and hungry, and with no electronics…for a whole weekend!

Join the Project Kids in their third big adventure as they come together to unravel the mysteries of Mice, Men…and Marshmallows.

Paperback ISBN: 978-1502518088

Available in paperback and ebook formats.

Other languages: Japanese | Portuguese

The Valentine's Day Project Disaster (Project Kids Adventures #4)

The biggest problem with success is that people always expect more from you, thought Amanda. She stared hard at the folded piece of paper sitting on the desk in front of her, hoping it would just go away. Why did I say yes? She wondered. I must have been crazy! We do a couple projects, and now they want me to do this?

She cautiously poked at it again with the end of her pencil, like it was a bomb about to go off. She flicked at the crumpled edge of the paper, those terrible words hidden just out of sight but taunting her nonetheless.

Finally, she could take it no more. She put down the pencil and grasped the paper with shaking hands. Why did I agree to run this thing? What do I know about this stuff, anyway?

With agonizing slowness, Amanda opened up the paper to once again read those terrible words, the words that she had committed to. The thing she had promised to do.

Yes, no problem, Ms Moldiva. Sure! It’ll be fun!

In large, bold letters at the top of the crinkled sheet of paper were the words:

Wanted: Organizer for Valentine’s Day School Dance.

Amanda’s shuddered. It’s going to be a disaster!


Join the Project Kids in their fourth big adventure as they come together to organize the Valentine’s Day dance at A. J. Wilkins Intermediate School. Along with the challenges of tackling their biggest project yet, an age-old question will test them to their limits. Will cupid strike the Project Kids - or even worse - pass them by?

Parent/Teacher Note:

The fourth project is their biggest one yet, and the most varied and complex. In addition to planning the dance as a project, they will need to learn how to develop relationships and improve their communication skills as they engage with the whole school. They will learn how to positively influence others, and some tips on how to face up to bullies along the way.

Paperback ISBN: 978-1511697583

Available in paperback and ebook formats.

Other languages: Japanese | Portuguese

The Easter Bully Transformation Project (Project Kids Adventures #5)

The Project Kids really have their work cut out for themselves this time. After Peter Johansen nearly destroyed the Valentine’s Dance, you might expect the Project Kids to be glad to see the last of ‘Pimple Pete’. So why are they reaching out to him - and what do they hope to achieve?

As one small idea takes on a life of its own and one of their own is struck down in their prime, they find themselves struggling to answer one simple question: Can they actually un-bully a bully? …And should they even try?

The answer lies in an unexpected place…and not even the Easter Bunny can help them.

Parent/Teacher Note:
This next book in the Project Kids Adventures series sees the kids tackling several interrelated projects at once.

While carefully investigating the reasons behind Pimple Pete’s bullying behavior, they find themselves engaged in a cause that extends well beyond the school and their community.

Paperback ISBN: 978-1532900785

Available in paperback and ebook formats.

Other languages: Japanese | Portuguese