Gay Buckingham

Born in the south of the South Island, Gay writes fiction, short fiction and creative non-fiction. Her work has been published in traditional format, on line, and been broadcast. She has edited oral histories and memoir material, and written a commissioned business history. Gay lives (mostly) in Dunedin, is a graduate of Otago University, and has an MA from Victoria’s IIML


  • Children's Fiction
  • Fiction
  • Non-Fiction
  • Short Stories


  • Editing
  • Readings






The Grand Electrification of the South

A History of The Power Company Limited and its predecessors, the Soutlhland Electric Power Board and the Southland Electric Power Supply (1914–2015)

Kākāpō Keeper

Published by One Tree House in 2021

A chldren's novel based on the true story of Richard Henry's late 19th century attempt to save kākāpō and kiwi from extinction. It is illustrated with historic photos, sketches and photos of birds.