Geoff Palmer

Geoff Palmer is a writer, which is astonishingly convenient as you appear to be a reader! He’s climbed mountains in Africa, picked grapes in Switzerland, sold cameras in London, programmed computers in Fiji, and spent eight years working as a professional photographer. He’s also quite tall.

Geoff’s first novel, Telling Stories, won the Reed / North & South Fiction Award, and in 20+ years of freelance technical writing he’s won four Qantas Media Awards and been a finalist for Columnist of the Year. His second novel, Too Many Zeros, was published by Penguin in 2011, and a number of other novels have followed since.

He writes, every day if he can, subject to the demands of his cat, Heidi, who regards him as her personal servant, portable cushion and entertainment centre. In return, she kindly allows him to share her house in Wellington, New Zealand.

You’ll find him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest, or on his website.


  • Adult Fiction
  • Adult Non-Fiction
  • Business Writing
  • Children's Fiction
  • Children's Non-Fiction
  • Comedy
  • Crime
  • E-Book
  • Feature Articles
  • Fiction
  • Freelance Writer
  • How To books
  • Journalism
  • Non-Fiction
  • Review Writing
  • Science Fiction
  • Text Books
  • Technical
  • Thriller
  • Web


  • Editing
  • Freelance Writing
  • Journalism
  • Novelist
  • Public Speaking
  • Readings
  • Readings (adults)
  • Reviews
  • Technical Writing
  • Textbook Writing
  • Website Content
  • Workshops (adults)






Dead Men's Shoes

Banking can be dull … and deadly!

Jane Child’s career is going nowhere. Stuck in the headquarters of a large London bank, she’s in the slow lane heading towards a middle-management dead end when her boss becomes a basket case.

The new job comes with an new computer, a laptop that contains more than official, bank-authorised software. There are secrets within secrets, and when Jane inadvertently stirs the murky waters of the criminal underworld, some very big, very nasty fish swim out.

This book is a prequel to the Bluebelle Investigations series. Download it for free!


Private Viewing

He had a body to die for. She might just do that!

Jane Child doesn’t think much of her employers when she’s passed over for promotion. Nor does Matt, the mysterious homeless guy camped across the street.

But Jane finds consolation in the shape of the man she was passed over for. Celebrity banker Damien Trotter has it all: rock star status, looks, wealth – and a shocking secret…

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Private Lives

Bluebelle Investigations hits the ground running!

Jane Child’s first case: a missing cat. How did she get the boring one? Partner Matt Healy’s is far more interesting: someone’s counterfeiting top-notch coffees and threatening a Royal Appointment. But sometimes less can be more. More complex, more frightening and much, much more dangerous…

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Sometimes your past won’t let you go.

Solikha Duong and Alice Kwann – two women, two very different worlds. But what binds them is a shocking secret … Tough and resourceful, they won’t give up without a fight … because sometimes your past won’t let you go.

Gritty, suspenseful, page-turning action that lifts the lid on a shocking trade we’d rather ignore.

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Telling Stories

Winner of the North & South/Reed Fiction Award

Steven Spalding is a mild, unexceptional civil-servant, overweight and solitary. But he has a secret; an alter ego in the form of wise-cracking, anarchic Eric Dombey. As Eric, Steven can become the self he sometimes wishes to be, but as events in his life slip out of control, the boundaries between real and unreal blur – all is not as it seems.

Wild, wacky, thoughtful, disturbing and very funny, this book will make you reconsider the whole concept of fiction and reality…

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How To Write A Book

12 Simple Steps to Becoming an Author

“A non-writing writer is a monster courting insanity.”
Franz Kafka

Of all the creative arts, writing a novel is both deceptively easy and surprisingly difficult. There are plenty of How To guides about creative writing – whether at the nuts-and-bolts level of words, language and grammar, or offering magical solutions and so-called “writing secrets”. But precious few deal with the actual day to day process of becoming and being a writer. This practical, self-help guide is an exception that will help unlock your potential, your creativity and your genius.

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Too Many Zeros

Forty Million Minutes — Book 1

Things get seriously weird when Tim Townsend meets a pair of super-intelligent mice with an extraordinary calculator. Suddenly he and his sister Coral are plunged into an adventure full of strange new technology, killer robots, mind parasites, aliens and galactic intrigue…

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Lair of the Sentinels

Forty Million Minutes — Book 2

]Things get weirder – and even more perilous – for Tim, Coral, and their “visitor” friends. The slimy, slug-like, mind-reading Sentinels won’t give up without a fight. Deep within their lair, they formulate a foul plan to exterminate Tim, Coral, Alkemy, Ludokrus, Norman and Albert one by one

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The Man with the Missing Jaw

Forty Million Minutes — Book 3

Fleeing Earth with the Sentinels in hot pursuit, Tim Townsend, his sister Coral and their friends face more perils and fiendish plots when they travel to Eltheria. What should be a triumphant homecoming turns into a cat-and-mouse battle with sinister forces ranged against them…

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