George Bryant

George is a key writer on people in society, based on his experiences as a teacher, administrator, preacher, public speaker, politician and social worker. He has written 23 books and 20 booklets. Co-founder of DayStar Books Ltd.. Awarded a QSM in 2019 for his writing, publishing and community work. 

He has studied sociology and holds a number of qualifications in education, theology and management, including a Master's degree in English. A former high school principal, he is also an ordained Christian minister and active member of many social organisations.




Central Districts




Agents of Change

Stories of 15 Kiwis who are making a real difference to the way we live. What they are doing and why.

Making A Real Difference: Christian Movers and Shakers

Fascinating stories of Kiwi Christians working out their faith.

MILLENNIUM 3: Unresolved Issues of Our Time

Probes 12 current social problems and offers suggestions for positive progress - poverty, child abuse, racism, life and death, big brother...Excellent chapter on why good people do bad things.

Not By Might: the Graham Preston Story

Inspirational story of the visionary founder of Bethlehem College, the largest Christian school of its type in Australasia.

Trial to Triumph: Inspiring Stories of Overcomers

How 21 ordinary Kiwis overcame great trauma.

Big Questions 1:Why Are We Here?

What in the world are human beings doing on this unique planet Earth?

Big Questions 2: What Is The Meaning Of Life?

Is there any overall, inherent meaning for our existence or do we just have to find our own?

Big Questions 3: Where Are We Going?

Wherne in the world are we going? What is our future as human beings?

Life IS...

What's life on Earth really like? Reflections on the daily life of human beings and on a variety of issues vital to us all.


Where are we headed as a nation?  What sort of people will we be? What values will we hold? What will it mean to be 'Kiwi'? How will we live. What will happen in health, education, farming, religion, democracy...?