Gail Romano

A diverse career and a consequently wide range of writing experiences have influenced Gail in her approach to writing and provide her with a broad portfolio of techniques on which to draw. A lover of the written word from school days, Gail initially chose to teach secondary school English and literature and played with writing poetry and short fiction. A chance opportunity took her sideways into commerce teaching where she leveraged her enjoyment of economics to write textbooks and complementary resources. A subsequent offer to enter the private sector saw her polish instructional writing skills as a software documenter. With a move into the cultural sector she has been able to focus on the research and related writing she enjoys most of all.

Gail co-edited the academic collections The Myriad Legacies of 1917: A Year of War and Revolution (Palgrave, 2018), and 'The Enduring Impact of the First World War: A Collection of Perspectives', Bulletin of the Auckland Museum, Vol. 21 (2020). Her last article was ‘The invisible tailor : finding Isaac Calmanson’ in the Summer 2020/21 issue of Context, official journal of the Costume & Textile Association of NZ. Gail regularly contributes short form pieces to Auckland War Memorial Museum blog channels.


  • Academic
  • Freelance Writer
  • History
  • Non-Fiction
  • Text Books
  • Web Writing


  • Academic Writing
  • Editing
  • Freelance Writing
  • Proofreading
  • Public Speaking
  • Research
  • Textbook Writing
  • Website Content


