Graham Desborough

I am a semi-retired GP living in Auckland, N.Z.

I self-published my first book in 2019 titled How the Brain Thinks.

At present this is available from my website and Amazon.

I am continuing to publish blogs and am starting my second book about Where the Brain Thinks 


  • Adult Non-Fiction


  • Academic Writing






How the Brain Thinks

I finished my thesis on the psychology behind Judgment and Decision Making in 1994, and then I set out to figure out how the brain thinks. After 20 years and many epiphanies, I developed an simple acronym for brain function called FACE MaP (stands for frontal cortex, attention, consciousness, emotion, memory and perception) that we can all use.

I have written about this in How the Brain Thinks. In it I discuss each of these features and show how they work together to produce thinking and human behaviour.