Huberta Hellendoorn

  Huberta Hellendoorn was born in The Netherlands and has lived in Dunedin, New Zealand, since 1960. Her articles have been published in Dutch and New Zealand publications, and her short stories have been broadcast on RNZ National and published in literary journals such as Sport and Takahe. Her book about Miriam, The Madonna in the Suitcase, was adapted for radio and broadcast on RNZ National. Huberta’s memoir Astride a Fierce Wind was published in 2017.


  • Adult Non-Fiction
  • Autobiography / Memoir


  • Editing






The Madonna in the Suitcase

A book about Miriam, a woman born more than 50 years ago with an extra chromosome. It is a story of parental love and devotion but also a story depicting the hardships inherent in raising a child with special needs. This book celebrates the joys and the triumphs as Miriam develops into a woman of courage, determination and unique talent.