Jan Stowell

Janet has always had in interest in writing and in 2007 completed a Certificate in Freelance Journalism through The New Zealand Institute of Business Studies (achieved with Merit). She had a futuristic diary published in the University of Waikato School of Education Library in 2000 and enjoys dabbling in personal writing projects.

An educationist, Janet completed her Master of Specialist Teaching in Learning and Behaviour through Massey University graduating with distinction in March 2017. Her findings steered her on an insightful path that led her to self-publish her book, “The Executive Functions Toolkit for Classroom Teachers” in November 2018.

Janet has now completed her second book, "Growing Sef-regulating Kids: The Executive Functions Toolkit for Parents", written for parents to help them help their children to develop strong executive functions and self-regulation. This new book is also being self-published and will be released on 26th February 2022. 


  • Non-Fiction
  • Poetry


  • Journalism
  • Print Media Writing (magazines/newspapers)






The Executive Functions Toolkit for Classroom Teachers

This research based, peer reviewed handbook for teachers informs how to teach children to strengthen their executive functions. Executive functions are cognitive skills that people use to make decisions, plan, solve problems and manage their own thinking and behaviour. In essence they are life skills that we use in everyday situations to get things done. This book gives teachers background information about executive functions, definitions of specific executive functions, strategies to improve specific executive functions, ideas for classroom teaching, templates, comparison with the key competencies of the New Zealand Curriculum and the different executive functions we draw on in different learning areas. The executive functions covered in this book are: response inhibition, cognitive flexibility, working memory, organisation, time management, goal setting, planning/prioritising and task initiation.

Growing Self-regulating Kids: The Executive Functions Toolkit for Parents

This book is an informative, interactive, easy-to-use handbook for parents who are interested in helping their children (and themselves) learn to manage their own thinking and behaviour, acquiring skills that will lead to self-management and eventually self-regulation.
Publication date: February 2022
Publisher: Janet Stowell Publishing
ISBN: 978-0-473-61113-2