Janine Williams

Janine lives in rural Northland and enjoys attending writing workshops and writing for children. In 2015 her children's picture book manuscript Seaside Countdown was shortlisted for the Joy Cowley Award.

In 2019 Janine was the inaugural recipient of the Janice Marriott Mentorship award with her manuscript Holding The Horse. 

IN 2020 Janine was shortlisted for the Tom Fitzgibbon award for a junior fiction manuscript with her manuscript Holding The Horse.

HOLDING THE HORSE published. A Storylines New Zealand notable book award winner 2022. Finalist in the NZCYA awards 2023 in the Best First Book category. 

LIKE THE WIND, the sequel to Holding The Horse, published 2023. A Storylines Notable Book award winner 2023.


  • Children's Fiction


  • Novelist






Holding The Horse

Ebook publication in 2022.

Print book publication 2022. Publisher: Cave Books, an imprint of Ocean Echo Books. Printed by YourBooks, Wellington.

LIke The Wind

Sequel to Holding The Horse. Published as an ebook October 2023. Published as a print book November 2023.