Jan Marsh

Jan Marsh lives in Nelson, New Zealand, and is now retired from her day job. She tends her garden, visits her adult children in the capital and Melbourne, and plans adventures. And writes, of course.
She has published numerous short stories and poems in local anthologies. 'Butterfly Soup' is her first novel.

'Dealing with Depression: simple ways to get your life back' uses her professional skills from her work as a Clinical Psychologist, to assist those suffering from depression.


  • Adult Fiction
  • Health
  • Mind Body Spirit


  • Academic Writing
  • Editing
  • Ghost Writing


Top of the South




Butterfly Soup

a murder mystery

Dealing with Depression: simple ways to get you life back

An accessible book to help those suffering from depression and those who care about them discover simple strategies to take control and enjoy life again. Published by Exisle Publishing 2016

Simple Gifts

In this collection of short pieces Jan reflects on the gentle joys of her life - the beauty of the environment, the pleasure of walking and swimmer, her family and friends - and reflects on some underlying values and concerns.