Jana Mittelstaedt

German NZ writer of speculative fiction and ya literature.

Also a editor, translator and proofreader at Kiwiberry Editing.


  • Adult Fiction
  • Fantasy
  • Young Adult


  • Editing
  • Novelist
  • Proofreading
  • Readings (adults)
  • Translating
  • Workshops (adults)






Witching with Dolphins

Set in Akaroa Harbour, this witchy novella takes you on a magical trip of swimming with the dolphins. It is a story about love, the ocean, and most importantly, friendship.


Harper’s best friend Valerie is everything she is not: beautiful, confident, and the most powerful witch on Banks Peninsula. Together, they run the coffee shop »La Petite Sorcière« and keep the balance between magic, people, and the environment. It’s an honour for Harper to be Valerie’s sidekick, if only they weren’t in love with the same man: dolphin whisperer Ethan.

Friends before magic (or boys) has always been their prerogative, but their determination to hold onto it is tested when a local scientist finds out about their secret and makes Valerie a tempting offer. Harper’s envy and feelings of inferiority lead to a massive fall-out between the two friends that might put both their lives at risk. Yet, when push comes to shove, Harper is willing to give up everything for her friend: Ethan, her life, or even the little magic she has.

Time to Remember

When the Canterbury Earthquakes destroyed their city, Natalie and her friends were only ten years old. Too old to forget, but too young to be heard, they have never told their stories. Until now.

Ten years after the earthquakes, Natalie returns to her home town with a plan. To show how the earthquakes shaped her generation, she wants to curate her fellow students’ stories into a special edition of the student magazine. Her project is well-received by all, but one: her self-proclaimed nemesis Josh. From the start, Josh goes out of his way to get the project cancelled. Natalie is determined to see her vision through, yet when she finally uncovers the reason behind Josh’s actions, she finds herself questioning everything she’s been working towards.