Jeni Bryant
I have written a narrative lived-experience memoir. It is called, "Notes From Inside, A Courageous Woman's Experience of Domestic Violence and Mental Illness." It is available in bookshops. It is being used for research and teaching on issues of domestic violence and family harm. I have used a non-de-plume (Anne Thurston) I self-published, and it has been a very good experience, albeit, a huge learning experience. Many people in study groups, and professionals who work with traumatised people, use it for referral, as I give examples that connect with and for other people. It is well established that this validates other people's stories and experiences - for some healing and recovery for them.
I've been told: "Your story is powerful and fiercely honest, and provides a window into the world, that many people recognise, but so few are able to talk about. Your stories in their simplicity and honesty, help us find compassionate understanding and some healing for those of our friends and family who have been similarly traumatised."
Jeni Bryant
- Autobiography / Memoir
- Short Story Writing
Karori, Wellington