Jennifer Garvey Berger

Dr. Jennifer Garvey Berger is internationally recognized for her thinking and practice about the ways adults can develop new and more complex ways of thinking and acting. A founder and CEO of Cultivating Leadership, a global leadership development firm, Jennifer designs and teaches leadership programs, coaches executives and their teams, and supports new ways of thinking about strategy and people with clients facing dramatic shifts in complexity, volatility, and uncertainty.

All of her four books are on Stanford University Press’s top sellers of the last decade. Jennifer has a masters and a doctorate from Harvard University and has been a leadership coach, a university professor, a florist, a chief researcher, and the founder of a cookie-of-the-month business. Jennifer is an American by birth, a Kiwi by choice, and now lives in the French countryside, where she has bought a house with twelve friends who live in community and try to keep the dogs from terrifying the cats


  • Academic




