Jill McCaw

Jill lives a life less ordinary. She is a freelance journalist with a niche in aviation. Writing fiction is what she does for fun. She resides in Christchurch with her husband, elderly Labrador and whichever of her grown up sons has currently wandered in through the front door. She likes aeroplanes, books, handcrafts and flying. And her dog. She likes him a lot.


  • Adult Fiction
  • Adult Non-Fiction
  • Crime
  • Drama
  • Erotica
  • Freelance Writer
  • Journalism
  • Science Fiction


  • Editing
  • Journalism
  • Novelist
  • Print Media Writing (magazines/newspapers)
  • Workshops (adults)







SoaringNZ is the official journal for Gliding New Zealand. Jill has been editing and publishing this magazine for over 10 years and 60 Issues.

Kiwi Flyer

Jill has been writing for Kiwi Flyer for more than 10 years, producing the regular columns, "An Interesting Person in Aviation" and "Soaring" along with reports on air shows, aviation events and general aviation news.

Rising Heat

I have a short (hot) story in the Christchurch Romance Writer's anthology using my pen name.

I Do, I Do, I Do.

By Jillian Barnes 


Emily Jones is about to walk down the aisle to marry the loves of her life. That’s right, two of them. Harry and Jack are waiting for her at the alter and they’re all three going to commit to each other, for as long as they all shall live. It’s not legal, but it’s very real, and as family and friends gather to witness the ceremony all Emily wants is her mother’s blessing