Jonathan Peet

Hi Guys, I am a semi retire ex hunter, trapper, farmer, investor, and now part time novelist. My wife and I live in the Coromandel and spend our time enjoying the bush, gardening, and drinking wine.

I have just self published my first novel, Wairata, an historical novel based in the Northern Taranaki and South Africa at the time of the South African (Boer) War.

I am looking forward to getting my book into the public arena and hope that some of you will be able to share resources and ideas on publicity and marketing.

I look forward to getting to know many of you in the near future.

Jono Peet.


  • Adult Fiction


  • Novelist







New Zealand. April 1890.

On a cold grey autumn day, eleven year old David Campbell finds himself shipwrecked, traumatised, and orphaned on the wild and wet west coast of the North Island.

He is taken under the wing of a kindly widow on her rugged, remote farm in the back-blocks of northern Taranaki, where, in spite of the hard daily grind and the isolation of their tiny settlement of Wairata, he thrives and grows into a strong and gentle young man, finds friendship, belonging, and love, and settles down to farm the land.

But war has raised its ugly head in the British Empire, and the young man finds himself dragged unwillingly into the Boer War in South Africa, where all of their lives will be changed forever.




My first novel, Wairata, was written over a 30 year timespan, with several re-writes and plot changes along the way. I finally got the story to a place where I was very happy with it, and so I self-published with YourBooks Wellington, who did a fantastic job. Such a tremendously satisfying journey. It has proven to be extremely popular with readers, so I am hoping to do some promotional work this year to get it out to a wider audience.

I am currently working on my second novel, a war story from the first world war, that is a loose sequel to Wairata. I hope to have it finished later this year.