Jan Jordan


  • Adult Non-Fiction
  • Autobiography / Memoir
  • Fiction


  • Academic Writing
  • Public Speaking
  • Research





Working Girls

1991 book of interviews with a wide range of women working in the New Zealand sex industry. (Penguin Books)

The Word of a Woman? Police, Rape and Belief

2004 academic book based on research on women's experiences of reporting sexual violence. (Palgrave Macmillan, UK)

Serial Survivors

2008 book based on interviews with 15 of the women attacked by Auckland serial rapist, Malcolm Rewa, focusing in particular on their accounts of survival. (The Federation Press, Sydney)

Women, Rape and Justice: Unravelling the Conundrum

This book asks if justice is possible for a woman raped in contemporary patriarchal society.  It covers developments in police and court processes and explores the connections between men, masculinity, and rape before considering the necessity for rape prevention. (Routledge, UK, 2022)

Tackling Rape Culture: Ending Patriarchy

Why, despite decades of feminist activism, does rape culture remain so endemic? In this book I argue that, in order to understand the global pandemic of sexual violence, we must view rape culture as a consequence of the social divisiveness that emerges from the logic of patriarchy. (Routledge, UK, 2023)

Snorkelling the Abyss: One woman, striving to survive, fighting for survivors

A memoir exploring the two worlds of one woman and the apparently unnavigable void between them. Growing up as an only child within a suffocating family environment in the 1950s and 1960s, I struggled for years with self-loathing and self harm. Taming my inner demons was necessary before I could achieve academic success, advocate for victims-survivors of sexual violence, and work towards transforming contemporary rape culture. (Cuba Press, 2023)