Joy Liddicoat

Joy Liddicoat lives in Dunedin. A retired lawyer, Joy specialised in human rights, privacy and technology law, publishing a wide range of non-fiction legal works, most recently Human Rights and the Internet (2021) published by Intersentia (UK). In 2022 she co-authored A Citizen's Guide to Articifical Intelligence published by MIT Press which, in 2023 was translated for distribution in China. Joy loves New Zealand's back country and is enjoying her retirement by turning her legal skills to crime fiction.








Human Rights and the Internet

Published in 2021 by Intersentia, available at:


The past decade has witnessed unprecedented use of the Internet for both advancing and suppressing human rights, giving rise to complex new issues that can both inspire and overwhelm. With ever-growing concerns about the (non-)regulation of our digital environment, it is surprising that both the theoretical and practical application of human rights to the Internet and our online lives remain unclear.

This book is a short and accessible introduction to the concepts of human rights, the Internet and the emergence of an era of human rights online as a new legal challenge. It will be of interest to a broad range of readers: policy makers and informed citizens, lawyers working with human rights defenders, and legal and human rights academics examining the emergence of this legal field.

Topics covered include online harm, privacy, Covid digital tracing apps, Internet protocols, and the human rights implications of artificial intelligence and machine learning tools.


Bridging the Divide: Cycling Russia from the Black Sea to the White Sea

Bridging the Divide  tells the story of Keith Liddicoat, accountant turned English teacher from New Zealand who cycled Russia from the Black Sea to the White Sea on a fold-up commuter bike. Over three months, Keith cycled 4700 kilometres, sharing the trials and triumphs of life on an often bumpy road in one of the world's most mysteerious countries.

This book was published posthumously in 2022 by Joy Liddicoat and Richard Liddicoat of Zuggy Press, Nelson and is availabel