Kate Mahony

Kate Mahony has an  MA in Creative Writing from the International Institute of Modern Letters  at Te Herenga WakaVictoria University in Wellington New Zealand. She is novelist,  flash fiction and short story writer, and has a background in journalism and communications. 

Her historical/contemporary novel , Secrets of the Land, was published by Cloud Ink Press in September, 2023. The novel was listed as number 2 in the New Zealand Booksellers list in that same month. It is set in Taranaki and draws on the experiences of Irish soldiers in the New Zealand Wars in colonial times.

Her short stories have been finalists - shortlisted and long listed - in a number of major competitions. She has been published regularly in many international and New Zealand publications, both antholgies and literary journals.

She was a finalist in the Katherine Mansfield Award in 2008 for her story A Good Person, and her short story, Jump, Jump, Jumping (Blue Fifth Review, Fall Quarterly, 2013) was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Her short story Freedom was awarded second place in the 2014 Takahe Short Story competition. The Journey  received Honourable Mention in the Fish Publishing International Short Story competition 2015. Parallel Events was shortlisted for the Bridport Prize, 2015, and Respect was longlisted for the Commonwealth Short Story Competition in 2022. Other stories have appeared in numerous literary magazines and anthologies.

Her short fiction has appeared in Turbine, Best New Zealand Fiction Volume 6, (Random House, 2009), Takehe 71, 74, 83, and 86,  the International Literary Quarterly, (Vol 16) Tales for Canterbury (Random Static), Flash Frontier, Blue Crow Magazine,  Blue Fifth Review, Microw, Blackmail Press, 4th Floor Magazine, The Island Review, Headland Literary Journal, Blink Ink, Litro New York,   Landmarks, National Flash Fiction Day 2015 Anthology UK,  Sweet As, contemporary short stories by New Zealanders (anthology 2014) Headland Literary Journal, Berlin Fiction Kitchen, Fictive Dream, Bonsai: Best small stories from Aotearoa New Zealand (Canterbury University Press, 2018) and Mayhem (Waikato University, 2019).

She taught short story writing classes at the Community Education Centre in Wellington for a number of years. 



  • Adult Fiction


  • Editing
  • Freelance Writing
  • Journalism
  • Novelist
  • Print Media Writing (magazines/newspapers)
  • Readings (adults)
  • Short Story Writing
  • Workshops (adults)






Secrets of the Land

Published by Cloud Ink Press, Auckland,  New Zealand, 2023

Bonsai, Best small stories from Aotearoa New Zealand

Anthology, edited by Michelle Elvy, Frankie McMillan and James Norcliffe, published by Canterbury University Press, 2018. Short story by Kate Mahony, Scheherazade, published in the anthology.


Published by Gumbo Press, UK, 2015. National Flash Fiction Day 2015 Anthology. On the Beach, by Kate Mahony is published in the anthology.

Fish Anthology 2105

Published by Fish Publishing, Bantry, Co Cork, Ireland, 2015. The Journey by Kate Mahony is included in this antholgy. 


Mayhem Literary Journal, Issue 7 October 2019. Published by the University of Waikato, New Zealand.  Suspicious Behavior by Kate Mahony. 

The Best New Zealand Fiction #6

Anthology  edited by Owen Marshall and published by Random House, New Zealand, 2009. Don't wait up, by Kate Mahony is included in this antholgy.