Kathy Derrick

Katharine Derrick writes mainly for children and young adults, diverting occasionally into flash fiction. She taught on the NorthTec writing programme for six years and is available for writing workshops. Currently the treasurer and events coordinator for the NZ Society of Authors Northland Branch, Katharine is the key organiser for the annual Northwrite event. She is also the joint owner of Pavlova Press, an independent publishing company.








Scoria: Short prose from the cinder cone

“It is near noon in the orchard and small passions of petals are bursting spring into the air.

Or perhaps it’s mid-afternoon …”

What happens when two sisters, who grew up under a cinder cone mountain, put their writing talents together? The answer is Scoria—a compilation of short prose pieces that explore the scoriac “small bubbles and glassy fragments” of life.

... brief, extremely pithy fables concerning separation and regeneration … at times wicked bitch brutal, at other times fairy modmother magical. But always superbly crafted nuggets of hypnogogia. Vaughan Rapatahana

© KW Derrick & Jac Jenkins, 2019

First published 2019
Pavlova Press NZ
PO Box 706 
Kerikeri 0245

Edited by Michelle Elvy
Cover design by Keely O'Shannessy
Typesetting and internal design by CVD Design
Printed by YourBooks