Leanne Radojkovich

Leanne is the author of short story collections Hailman (2021) and First fox (2017) published by The Emma Press (UK).

She has won the Graeme Lay Short Story Competition, and received the Lilian Ida Smith Award. She has been a finalist for the Anton Chekhov Prize for Very Short Fiction, highly commended for the Sunday Star-Times Short Story Competition, shortlisted for the Sargeson Prize, and longlisted for the Short Fiction/University of Essex Prize.

Leanne’s stories have been selected for Best Small Fictions 2021Bonsai: Best small stories from Aotearoa New Zealand, and Night-Time Stories (The Emma Press). Most recently her stories have appeared in Landfall, Reading Room, Short Fiction Journal, and Turbine/Kapohau.

Leanne’s ancestors came from Dalmatia and Yorkshire. She was born in Kirikiriroa and now lives in Tāmaki Makaurau. She holds a Master of Creative Writing (First Class Honours) from AUT Auckland University of Technology Te Wānanga Aronui o Tāmaki Makau Rau.


  • Short Stories


  • Short Story Writing






First fox

"Radojkovich has left me hungry, and I look forward to reading more. Ahakoa he iti, he pounamu – despite being small it is of great value.” Landfall Review Online, Iona Winter.

“Sharp, true and always hinting at a larger world, the work has a fable-like quality… Devour this delightful book in one sitting then savour the stories all over again.” Frankie McMillan (The Father of Octopus Wrestling: And Other Small Fictions). 

"A startlingly honest, warm and at times darkly humorous tone makes for exactly the type of fiction which is able to commentate and provoke thought on life in 2017… A thoroughly recommended read.” Literature Works, UK.


“Perhaps I love this collection so much, because it is a book I feel. I feel what is present and I feel what is absent. I choose the word ‘prism’ to underline how the thematic hues spark and shift.” Paula Green, NZ Poetry Shelf

“These stories are delicate and devastating, by a fave NZ writer Leanne Radojkovich who writes my kind of fiction: deep, serious, playful, beautiful, moving.” Nuala O'Connor, author of NORA.