Linda Collins

Updates: I've just finished my MA in Creative Writing (Poetry) at the University of East Anglia, UK, with a Distinction. In the UK, Muscaliet Press is publishing my pamphlet a voiding/A VOIDING in 2023. And the Chinese rights to Loss Adjustment have been sold to Beijing Guangchen in a deal brokered by Grayhawk Literary Agency.

In the UK, I performed a tanka sequence with poet Ko Ko Thett at a UK-Japan collaboration evening at the National Centre for Writing, among many other events in Norfolk in 2022. I have also been a panelist at the online, Pakistan-based Ananke Women's Writers Festival (speaking on decolonisation in writing), and in 2021 in New Zealand, was in a feature event with poet Glen Colquhoun at the Auckland Writers Festival. My mental health advocacy in 2022 has included being a keynote speaker on World Mental Health Day at the Singapore headquarters of Japanese multinational, Nomura, in an event live-streamed through-out South-east Asia.  

My poetry pamphlet follows my poetry collection, Sign Language for the Death of Reason, published by Math Paper Press in 2021. That year, I was a co-founder of the PleaseStay.movement, which advocates for youth suicide prevention.

I'm best-known as the author of best-selling suicide memoir, Loss Adjustment (Ethos Books, 2019) NZ independent publisher Awa Press aquired Australasian rights and launched it in December year (2020). LA is set in Singapore and New Zealand and is about a family devastated when  daughter Victoria, McLeod takes her life aged 17 It includes extracts from Victoria's diary - she has been hailed as a writer in her own right by The New Yorker magazine (link below).

 LA was developed from my MS for an MA in Creative Writing at IIML, 2017. It has diverged from memoir, which raises different sorts of expectations. Since its 2019 launch  in Singapore, it has been a nonfiction bestseller and was selected as a book of the year by The Straits Times and New York-based literary site Singapore Unbound.

On Instagram I'm @kindofblugreen

I am a newspaper copyeditor and have worked on papers from Auckland and Hastings to Sydney, London and Singapore. Currently I'm focusing on Singapore domestic politics. I've also copyedited some books for Straits Press Singapore and am the editorial consultant for a children's book, What's inside the Red Box?, about Lee Kuan Yew's vision for Singapore through the eyes of kids. (Quite a challenge). I also wrote a monthly column for Singapore's Sunday Times, called The Expat Files. Apart from editorial work, I have done advertorial work including twitter feeds for The Economist's Hongkong arm and coached clients on feature writing.


  • Autobiography / Memoir
  • Freelance Writer
  • Journalism
  • Mind Body Spirit
  • Non-Fiction
  • Poetry
  • Short Stories
  • Web Writing


  • Academic Writing
  • Corporate Writing
  • Editing
  • Freelance Writing
  • Ghost Writing
  • Journalism
  • Manuscript Assessment
  • Poetry Readings
  • Public Speaking
  • Readings
  • Readings (adults)
  • Tutoring
  • Workshops (adults)






Hard Truths to Keep Singapore Going

I am the credited copyeditor of this international best-selling book featuring Lee Kuan Yew and a panel of Straits Times journalists.

What's Inside the Red Box?

A children's book about Lee Kuan Yew's vision for Singapore and how he made it happen.

50 things to love about Singapore

A team of Straits Times writers uncover surprising layers to the country the world knows as Singapore.

From Kid to King

A children's book about Singapore's Olympic gold swimmer, Joseph Schooling

Loss Adjustment

Sign Language for the Death Of Reason

Sign Language for the Death of Reason is my poetic response to my memoir, Loss Adjustment. I was mentored for it by New York queer poet Michael Montlack, and the editor is Tania De Rozario, who is shortlisted for the Lamda Prize 2021 in the United States. It is published by Math Paper Press in Singapore, and the New Zealand distributor is

  Stockists include University Bookshop Auckland, University Bookshop Dunedin, Vic Books, and Unity Books Wellington.

   The first 20 pages were submitted as my sample work for an MA in Creative Writing (Poetry) at the University of East Anglia. I was subsequently admitted to the MA on an International Excellence Scholarship and have completed my first semester with a Distinction mark for the first assessment comprising original poetry and a critique.