Linley Jones

LInley writes from home in Half Moon Bay in betwen sailing,gardening and adventuring with husband Les and grandchildren. She started writing while while circumnavigating NZ with Les on their yacht Campari. Her first piece of writing 'PS I love you Gramps' was picked up instantly by Shortlands.Easy she thought Not so!!! However, she continued to have Readers published by McGrawHill and Macmillan.

The history of navigation was explored in 'Net Navigator'.

After spending a year sailing around the South Pacific she wrote a teenage adventure story 'Making Waves', was mentored by David Hill and published by Scholastic.A true story '21 Degrees South' about a disaster at sea, was published in an anthology by Tessa Duder, 'Down to the Sea Again.'

A trip to Russia set the basic scene for Junior fiction 'On The Edge' and discussions with grand daughter Sophie.

All the time short stories for adults were being written, many of which won awards and are in the collection called 'Apple Tea and Camel Pee'. At present Linley is working onanother collection of short stories. She has been published in takehe and Horizons.


  • Children's Fiction
  • Flash Fiction
  • Short Stories


  • Readings
  • Readings (adults)






Publication #1 Making Waves

Published by Scholastic - A teenage read about sailing, Tonga, Vanilla and smuggling.

It should have been the trip of a lifetime. It was Mum and dad's idea. The whole family living on a yacht for a year, travelling through the Pacific. Idyllic, they thought. Lame, Jazzy thought. What about her friends? Her sport? Her life? Then the great adventure turns into a hideous nightmare.


AMP Publisher. Junior fiction- about bullying, Russian orphans, Siege of Leningrad, music and quality friendship.

When Brady's life spins into free fall who can he turn to? The horror of the school climbing wall. The jeers of bully Stan Mackersly make his nightmares real. Can the friendship of an elderly Russian help him? Or the magic of the golden flute? Can Brady put his own life on the line to save his worst enemy on a tramping trip in the Whrinaki Forest?

Net Navigator

Macmillen publisher. Junior fiction.

When Marcus needs help with a school project, he sends out an SOS on a chatline. There, he finds the information he needs and a new friend he can talk to about all the things that bug him - school, bullies, vegetable and GIRLS!

Apple Tea and Camel Pee

AM Publishing.  Short stories for adults.

Linley Jones combines many settings and themes in her first collection of award winning short stories. From the joys of a NZ childhood - the stink of rotten eggs gathered for eeling; the fossicking for treasure in the flotsam and jetsam on the beach; the challenges of growing up; the poignancy of being 'somewhere towards the end', and the gradual decline into old age and death - to the brashness and bold, raw beauty of New World Australia contrasting with Old World Europe and the dizzying excitement and charm of Turkey.

Most of these stories are Award winners: Graeme Lay, Page and Blackmore, Heartland etc.

Sophie in a Pickle

AM Publishing - a picture book for children written by Linley Jones and illustrated by her sister, Judi Press.

Sophie's brothers and her dad are on the warpath. They will SPIFFLICATE her when they find he. She hides up a tree, still and silent hoping they won't find her but something gives her away  ...

A funny story about a bothersome little sister confusing words and a grandmother with early onset dementia.

The Perfection of Snails

AM Publishing 2020

The Perfection of Snails   a collection of short stories for adults covering a wide range of human emotions and conditions. From the love of family when coping with the joys and despairs of an autistic child; making difficult decisions about aging parents; managing serious health issues; and dealing with the endlesscruel effects of war on a family; to the unexpectedkindness met by a homeless man; and the anguish of revisiting the old family home.