Maya Cohen-Ronen

Multi-award-winning author and activist.


  • Fiction


  • Novelist





The Shed

Book 1 of The Liberation Trilogy.

Published 2018

The Shed tells the story of Sunny, a girl living in a community on a farm in a seemingly apocalyptic world. The farm has strict rules that are firmly observed, and especially the rule that girls like Sunny must not enter The Shed, an impending building inside the farm. Only grown women are allowed in, but even then, some who go in never come back. One night the farm is raided and some are taken. A few years later, when Sunny’s friends are summoned to The Shed, Sunny‘s mother orders her to escape. But Sunny’s path of escape still leads her right inside The Shed. What will she find there? Why was the farm raided and what world awaits beyond it?


Book 2 of The Liberation Trilogy

Published 2020

The story returns to Sunny, the heroine of The Shed, who is now an activist who fights to liberate other slaves from their hopeless, grim destiny. The dangerous and relentless battle for total liberation provides for many suspenseful encounters, as well as several unexpected discoveries. As romance buds in the activists’ bunker, an old villain returns to Sunny’s life through an unexpected turn of events, with the promise that she had changed. But can she be trusted?

It Was In Our Hands

Book 3 of The Liberation Trilogy

Published 2021

Sunny, a seasoned, long-time activist who fights to liberate enslaved and exploited victims, is herself an escapee from a farm where she was kept as a slave. Years of battling for total liberation did not dampen her highly developed sense of justice. But time has come to take the fight into a brand-new arena – the treacherous political one. Could the Liberation Amendment be passed into law? And if so, at what cost?

The Liberation saga powerfully ends with this eventful, emotional rollercoaster. A tale of love, loss, violence, bravery, compassion and friendship.