Mari Hill Harpur

Currently, I am writing a history of Captain John Howell and the Murihiku Southland homestead named Fairlight Station (established 1869).  I began writing a casual description celebrating the homestead building as over its 150th year of heritage that still survives and flourishes. The storyline resolves how and who determined agriculture as the legacy of this well-known Run #352. The history of Fairlight Station.represents sustainable farming, and its community of diverse residents. The document also includes the property's ownership and activity through to the present. The more I enjoy this project, the more endearing it becomes. The manuscript should be ready by 2025.

Beyond the writing, the illustrations in this book allowed me to enhance Captain John Howell 's personality and environment as a vital and dynamic New Zealand location.He was a true pioneer, and a recognized leader of a group of enterprising entrepreneurs who lived and supported their southern environment. Ofter called 'The White Māori', Captain Howell was a man true to his epoch. His life helped bridge pre-colonial New Zealand with the Victorian era and beyond.  Studying this man and his achievements has helped me understand more of the scope of Murihiku Southland’s contribution to New Zealand history.


Mari Hill Harpur: Photographer & Author 





  • Adult Non-Fiction


  • Editing
  • Freelance Writing
  • Illustration





Sea Winter Salmon: Chronicles of the Saint John River

Sea Winter Salmon: Chronicles of the Saint John River ISBN: 978-1927535-68-4, 170 Pages Extensive Photographs & Historical Documents Available through Abe Books


« LES PÈLERINS DE LA RIVIÈRE SAINT-JEAN: Chronique de la rivière Saint-Jean » traite d’une magnifique rivière à saumon, la rivière Saint-Jean, sur la Basse-Côte-Nord du Québec, et de son plus éminent visiteur, le légendaire saumon de l’Atlantique. L’auteure et photographe Mari Hill Harpur y retrace la relation unique entre le saumon et la population riveraine, grâce aux informations qu’elle a recueillies dans des journaux intimes, des documents légaux, des sources scientifiques, et de rares archives photographiques, dont celles de sa collection personnelle. ISBN: 978-1988313-02-6