Meghan Don


  • Adult Non-Fiction
  • Autobiography / Memoir
  • Mind Body Spirit
  • Non-Fiction
  • Poetry


  • Poetry Readings
  • Print Media Writing (magazines/newspapers)
  • Public Speaking
  • Workshops (adults)






Feminine Courage:Remembering Your Voice and Vision Through A Retelling of Our Myths and Inner Stories

Experience your courageous and evolutionary self with this clear and honest guide to embracing the light and dark faces of your inner feminine being. Learn how to restore your hope and faith, transform your fear into strength, and return a loving justice to our Earth. Using reflections, prayers, meditations, and ancient chants, Feminine Courage helps you heal, remember, and trust your inner soul voice and vision. No matter your age, spiritual beliefs, or gender, you can easily access each inner divine face as Meghan Don skillfully guides you through this powerful exploration of the sacred feminine.

"Feminine Courage is a pioneering and groundbreaking is an authentic transmission providing a pathway to truly live into an evolutionary leap of consciousness." - ANDREW HARVEY

Meghan Don masterfully walks us through the light and the darkness...into the arms of the Divine Feminine and home to our own true selves, where we are emboldened to step up as a force of healing and hope in the world."       - MIRABAI STARR

Meditations with Teresa of Avila: A Journey Into The Sacred

Meditations with Teresa of Avila invites you to explore the depths of your inner being by following the pathway of the beloved mystic Teresa of Avila. Teresa blended a rich mystical inner life with everyday work in the secular world, and she remains an unparalleled source of inspiration for living deeply and effectively in both realms. Don makes Teresa's timeless wisdom fully contemporary through translations of Teresa's words followed by practical interpretations and brief, inviting meditations. 

In this award-winning book, Teresa of Avila and Don guide you to explore the voice of the Beloved and knowledge of the self, the restlessness of the mind and the care of the body, doubt, loss, intimacy, and more.

"This is a book about vocation, about one's calling and the depths of our response to it. We all have a calling, a purpose, a vocation...This book illustrates how Teresa - and we - can navigate that work of life and love born of oneness."  - MATTHEW FOX, author of The Hidden Spirituality of Men and Original Blessing

Winner of the Ashton Wylie Charitable Trust Book Award for best book and author. 

Sacred Companions Sacred Community: Reflections with Clare of Assisi

Sacred Companions Sacred Community is a practical and sacred journey into companionship. It speaks to the longing inside each of us as we traverse the Earth in search of love. 

Bringing to light the long-hidden teachings of Clare of Assisi, the sacred companion and oft-times, teacher and mentor of Francis of Assisi, this book reveals the wisdom of a woman and spiritual leader who followed the callings of her heart with courage and love.

"A book like this can - and will - move you beyond any 'birdbath Franciscanism' into a spirituality that is for women and men, for celibates and partnered, for extroverts and introverts, for people with souls and bodies, and even people both Christian and non Christian" - RICHARD ROHR, O.F.M

Dying Into Love

Dying Into Love is a soulful and poetic reflection on the death journey. Meghan Don skillfully guides you through emotional and spiritual yearnings and the physical realities that an imminent death brings, yours or a loved one.

Drawing on her experiences of her mother’s last precious weeks on Earth and other client death journeys, Meghan teaches that we all knew how to die once and that we can once again enter into this sacred knowing.

‘Death is the presence of love’ is the theme throughout this lyrical book. Learn how this presence of love can become your constant companion on one of the greatest of all life journeys, whether you are dying, taking care of the dying, or want to prepare for your death whenever that may come.

You will encounter humor, sadness, joy, grief, angel prayers, and words of wisdom from beyond death.The life-death journey calls each one of us, and this book answers that call.

“There can be no greater journey to prepare for than our death. There can be no greater wisdom than knowinghow to die. Meghan Don knows the death journey well and leads you through the darkest moments into the grace of ongoing life. You will find beauty in this book. The beauty of life and death and loving presence. A book you must read to prepare the way.” – Dr. Joan Borysenko, Ph.D. NY Times bestselling author

“A remarkable book. More than a book, a gift to the human family. Some gifts we never use. The giver doesn’tknow us. Meghan Don knows us; she knows what we need when our loved one is dying, when our loved one has died and we are grieving. She knows what we need when we are dying. And beyond.”  – Rev. Jim Rosemergy, author of Gatherings of the Few: A Guide to Global Spiritual Awakening