Nerina Carver


  • Children's Fiction


  • Short Story Writing




Te Aroha


What Makes My Mummy Special

Follow Little Bear on his Journey to find out what makes his Mummy special to him.  A delightful tale that any child would love to have in their collection.  

What Makes My Daddy Special

Little Bear does so much with his Daddy and enjoys spending time with him.  But what makes his Daddy special to him?

Little Bear thinks of some of their faviourite things they do.  It is only then that Little Bear realises that it isn't what they do, but who he is that makes his Daddy extra special to him.

Let Little Bear show you the fun and enjoyment he has with his Daddy making Little Bear understand why his Daddy is so special to him. 

What Makes my Nana Special

Nanas are extra special to all children, but Little Bear wonders what makes his Nana extra special to him.  When Little Bear visits his Nana he ponders about all the things they do together that could make his Nana extra special.  Is it going to the park, or doing baking, or playing games, Little Bear just has to know.

Follow Little Bear on his visit with his Nana to help him find out what makes his Nana so special to him.

What Makes my Grandad Special

Grandads are expecial to all children, but Little Bear wonders what makes his Grandad extra special to him.  Little Bear has a lovely bond with his Grandad and they spend so much time together doing really neat things that make his Grandad extra special, but Little Bear jus has to know what it is that makes his Grandad the best Grandad ever.

Follow Little Bear as he thinks of all the things that he does with his Grandad and tries to work out what makes his Grandad so special to him.