Robbie Lanauze

Robbie Lanauze is a photographer and up and coming writer from the Chatham Islands. Born on Pitt Island off the coast of the Chathams he was raised on both islands. Being accustomed to severe isolation and limited outside influence he taught himself photography and writing, forging his own unique and candid style of depicting the raw and rugged life of the islands. 

Robbies upbringing and environmental surroundings played an integral part in how he developed his artistic capacity and diversity. He currently lives between Ibiza, Spain and the Chathams returning home annually and has spent the last 20 years all over the globe. Living in Bali, Australia, the Netherlands and traveling as much as he can with his wife and three children. His worldly experiences gives him an appreciative perspective of the Chathams culture which he tries to portray in his work. He is very much a passionate advocate for the Chatham Islands and has been ‘flying the Chatham flag’ proudly wherever he is in the world.  

He is currently working on a photographic coffee table book titled ‘People of the Land & Sea’.  


  • Journalism
  • Lifestyle
  • Non-Fiction


  • Journalism
  • Short Story Writing




Chatham Islands