Robyn Salisbury

After publishing Staying in Love, a couples workbook, Robyn concentrated on writing columns on issues of sexuality for national newspapers and more recently, also online. In March 2020 Free to be Children: preventing child sexual abuse in Aotearoa New Zealand will be released by MUP. As editor and contributor of several chapters, Robyn is joined by professionals and community members with collectively hundreds of years of expertise in this area. Together they point the way for us as a nation to effectively tackle this problem so we can support our tamariki to be all they can be.

Robyn is an advocate for the power of writers to make a real social impact.


  • Adult Non-Fiction



Central Districts


Palmerston North


Staying in Love

Random House 2009

Free to be Children: preventing child sexual abuse in Aotearoa New Zealand

MUP 2020