Robyn Anderson

Wrote film script for short film 'The Watcher' (Produced by Port Hills Productions 1997)
Several humorous stories on radio.
Cooney Insurance Short Story prize winner 2013, placed 2nd 2015.
Wrote Sci-fi/Adventure novel "I am not Joe Donovan" Tuatara Publication 2017
Recipient of RSA Brockenworth Research Scholarship 2018 which enable me to write and produce 3x 24 min podcasts using diaries of WW1 soldiers to tell their experience in their own words. Aired RNZ 2018 and now in RNZ WW1 archive. Free download on my website.
- Adult Fiction
- Autobiography / Memoir
- Crime
- Scriptwriter
- Short Stories

"I am not Joe Donovan"
In a ruined future world a disillusioned soldier offers to store the memories of a murdered activist in his brain. The memories refuse to lie dormant and push him to fight for justice in a world he knows very little about.