Samantha Montgomerie

Samantha is a Dunedin based writer who lives on the Otago Peninsula. She has written a number of beginner readers for Harper Collins UK, Wendy Pye Publishing and Flying Start Books.  Staying Still was selected as the 'Publisher's Top Pick for 2018' for PANZ.  She was delighted to be chosen as the winner of the Storylines Janice Marriott Mentoring Award in 2022. Her picture book manuscript Skipper and Scout: A Summer's Walkabout was shortlisted for The Storylines Joy Cowley Award in 2018.  She has also been an NZSA recipient on the Complete MS Mentorship Programme in 2020 for her first YA manuscript. 

Samantha is also a poet who has been published in the anthologies Nga Kupu Waikato: An Anthology of Waikato Poetry and Pengin Days.   She has also been published in Landfalltakahe, 1964, as well as numerous times in the  'Otago Daily Times' and in the DCC publication In Our Backyard.   








Monkey Finds a Phone

Sunshine Books, 2019

The Thunder Giants

Sunshine Books, 2019

Miss Twinkle, You are a Star!

Sunshine Books, 2019

Art Inside the Frame

Sunshine Books, 2019

Art Outside the Frame

Sunshine Books, 2019

Mr Crocodile goes to the Beach

Sunshine Books, 2018

Flamingoes Everywhere!

Sunshine Books, 2018

The Magician's Hat

Sunshine Books, 2018

Mrs Clucky's Chickens

Sunshine Books, 2018

Can you see me?

Sunshine Books, 2018

What's your fur for?

Sunshine Books, 2018

Staying Still

Sunshine Books, 2018

Listen! Here Comes Night

Sunshine Books, 2018

Light Show Under the Sea

Sunshine Books, 2018

Rain Music

Sunshine Books, 2017

Wind Dance

Sunshine Books, 2017

Buzz, Hop, Zip!

Harper Collins Uk, May 2020

Fix It, Fox

Harper Collins Uk, May 2020

Train to Win

Harper Collins Uk, May 2020

The Power Cut

Harper Collins UK, March 2020

Plastic and Our Planet

Flying Start Books, March 2020

Mind Power

Flying Start Books, March 2020

Mighty Muscles

Flying Start Books, March 2020

Spook Disco

Harper Collins Uk, 2020

Dash to Dig

Harper Collins Uk, September 2020

Run to Win

Harper Collins UK, September 2020

Animal Tricks: Sticking Power

Harper Collins UK, September 2020

Ducks on Trucks

Harper Collins UK, September 2020

Dig and Tip

Harper Collins UK, September 2020

Art is Us

Wendy Pye Publishing, 2020

Fins are Fantastic

(Wendy Pye Publishing, 2020)


Plastic and our Planet

(Flying Start Books, March 2020)


Mind Power

(Flying Start Books, March 2020)


Mighty Muscles

(Flying Start Books, March 2020)


Mr Gruffy

(Wendy Pye Publishing, 2021)


Game On!

(Wendy Pye Publishing, 2021)


The Bake-off

(Wendy Pye Publishing, 2021)


Bump, Bounce, Turn

(Wendy Pye Publishing, 2021)


Shy Arthur

(Wendy Pye Publishing, 2021)

Bouncing about with Bouncer

(Wendy Pye Publishing, 2021)

The Alien Invasion

(Wendy Pye Publishing, 2021)

Nothing Can Stop Me

(Wendy Pye Publishing, 2021)

Shelter on the Go

(Harper Collins UK, 2021)

Fun to Think

(Harper Collins Uk, 2021)

King of the Kicks

(Harper Collins UK, 2021)

Ready to Read - Phonics

27 Titles for this series (Minsitry of Education, 2021)