Sandra Morris


  • Children's Non-Fiction


  • Illustration
  • Workshops (adults)
  • Workshops (children/schools)






Sensational Survivors

Quirky facts about a wide range of NZs wildlife

Discovering New Zealand Trees

A look at some of NZ’s native trees , their uses and growth habits

Discovering New Zealand’s Birds

A look at the life styles of 14 native NZ birds

A New Zealand Nature Journal

Inspirational ideas and examples of nature journaling in different ways in different habitats.

One Lonely Kakapo

A counting rhyming book for the very young

North & South

A Tale of Two Hemispheres, this book beautifully contrasts the ways some of the world's most-loved animals adapt to the changing seasons in their Northern and Southern homes.

Godwit's Journey

Every year, Bar-tailed Godwit's travel thousands of kilometres between their breeding grounds in the Alaskan tundra and their 'over-wintering' grounds in New Zealand. This is the story of thrir journey.


Bees, tuis, geckoes and bats all feed on ther Pohutukawa tree, but the possum threatens the life of the tree, until a boy comes to the rescue and catches it. The cycle of life continues and the seeds of the tree are blown to the gtround.

New seedlings spring up and soon there are more trees by the sleepy blue sea.