Shannon Savvas

A New Zealand writer (she/her) who divides her heart and life between Cyprus, England and New Zealand.


  • Reflex Fiction (Winter 2017)
  • Cuirt Over the Edge New Writing Prize (Galway, Ireland) (March 2019)
  • Flash500 (Summer 2019).

Runner up TSS, Flash500, Henshaw Press Award; longlisted The Commonwealth Prize, Reflex Fiction, Bath short Story/Flash Fiction, Flash500, Bedford International Writing Competition, Exeter Writers; shortlisted Bath Short Story Award/Flash Fiction Award, Bray Literary festival Flash Fiction; commended here and there.

Published: The Phare Nov/Dec 2020, Across the Margin October 2020, Gulf Coast Online and Issue 12 Into the Void, March/April 2019. Published online (Anti-heroin Chic, Ellipsis, Storgy Magazine, Inktears, Reflex Fiction, Fictive Dream, Cabinet of Heed, Headland Journal NZ (Issue 1-2015 & Issue 13-2018 and contributor to Horizons 3, Bath Flash Fiction, Bath Short Story Award, Fish, Reflex Fiction, Literary Taxidermy anthologies (2017, 2018, 2019).

Upcoming inclusion in Bath Short Story Award 2020 Anthology, Bath Flash Fiction 2020 Anthology, Reflex Fiction 2020 Anthology, Sunlight Press, Bandit Fiction, Lunate online.


  • Adult Fiction




