Sue Barker

Sue writes all short form fiction and some poetry. She won the 2020 Whangarei Library Flash Fiction Competition and has been published in Fast Fibres Poetry 9 & 10. She co- edited and contributed to You Might Want to Read This, an anthology of Whangarei Library 3.30 Flash writers, 2021 and Changing Landscapes, 2023. She was short listed for Micro Madness and published on-line in Flash Frontier and National Poetry Day Given Words. She has been put forward for 2023 Best Microfiction anthology. 


  • Adult Fiction
  • Flash Fiction
  • Poetry







You May Want to Read This

ISBN 978-0-473-58607-1

Whangarei Library 3.30 Flash Anthology

one of 17 authors

also one of its three editors

Fast Fibres 9

ISSN 2382 - 1515

An anthology of 38 Northland/Te Tai Toukerau poets

Te Kohu - Poems

One of many contributers to an anthology of poems around the theme mist. Kohukohu Library, Hokianga National Poetry Day competition.

Fast Fibres 10

A collection of Northland poetry 2023.

Changing Landscapes

Contributor and part of the editorial team. Published 2023.

A collection of Northland flash and micro stories supported by Creatice Communities.