Sue Edmonds


Began as a columnist (aged 59) in the Waikato Times 'The Good life', and then also wangled a role as a book reviewer which I continued doing for the next seven years.  No pay, but great books to fill shelves.

I switched from columns to writing about farming 3 years later at the suggestion of the new editor.  Spent 6 months as editor of the Waikato Farmer and then moved to Coast & Country, where I wrote farming articles and more columns for the next six and a half years.  Since then have written for pretty well all the farming papers, and added writing about soil and its science to my repertoire.

Have been writing poetry for many years, belonged to poet groups, and finally put my first collection together in 2019.  Have also done a variety of online poetry writing courses through LiveCanon of London, and recently entered their pamphlet competition with a collection entitled 'Life on a Block'.




  • Freelance Writer


  • Poetry Readings
  • Print Media Writing (magazines/newspapers)






A Full Life

A compilation of 53 of my poems under five headings - Life, Drollery, We're Here, Friends and But...