Sue Wootton

Sue is a poet and fiction writer. Her latest publication is Out of Shape, a limited edition letterpress edition of ten poems hand printed by Canberra artist Caren Florence (2014). She has published three full poetry collections - Hourglass (2005), Magnetic South (2008) and By Birdlight (2011). Her storybook for children, Cloudcather, was published in 2010. Her short story collection, The Happiest Music on Earth, was published as an ebook by Rosa Mira Books in 2013. Her story and screenplay, Bleat, was produced as a short film by Short Film Otago in 2014. Sue has won the Caselburg Trust International Poetry Competition, the NZ Poetry Society International Poetry Competition, the Takahe International Poetry Competition, the Aoraki Literary Festival awards for both Fiction and Poetry, and the Inverawe (Australia) Poetry Competition. She held the 2008 Robert Burns Fellowship at the University of Otago, and was awarded the NZSA Mid Career Writers grant in 2012. Sue lives in Dunedin.




Otago Southland




Publication #1

By Birdlight

Publication #2
