Susan Nonanda/ Shelley Nonanda Smith/Harris





Top of the South




Invisible Elephants

This book is based on my own childhood experiences growing up with an alcoholic parent. It is a picture book which seeks to open up discussion opportunities with at risk children/young people who live with adults suffering from addiction issues. Invisible Elephants includes an advice section at the end which is intended to give the reader assistance and has been well-received by a range of health professionals working in this area.

Living with the Lions

Living with the Lions is the second title in the My Nanny series and addresses the adoption experience from the perspective of an adoptee. The story line is based upon the real-life experience of the author, as with the first book in the series, Invisible Elephants, and seeks to explore/open conversations with children/young people affected by adoption or similar experiences. An advice and further discussion section is included in the back. Once again, this book has been endorsed by various health professionals as a useful tool in addressing adoption issues.


Brave is the third book in the 'My Nanny' series, and focuses on how to cope with pain and suffering. The story centres around a child's humorous retelling of his grandfather's experience with a leg injury and draws comparison's to his own experience of falling off a skateboard. It ends with the young boy picking himself up off the ground and deciding to follow his Grandie's example and show resilience when things go wrong, even if he does need a sticking plaster.


Advice for Starting School

Going to school is one of the biggest adventures a little person can have. It can be exciting, scary and even a bit confusing, but it will also be bucket loads of fun! Inside this book are a few pieces of 'Nanny advice' to help you on your way, read on to learn more...

Advice for Starting School is designed for use both in the home or in a pre-school/junior school setting. The book comes in regular and blown up sizes to enhance class accessibility and can be read either from cover to cover in a sitting, or broken into bite sized pieces to enable discussion along the way. Written by a former new entrant teacher it seeks to assist pre-schoolers and new entrants in their transition into the classroom.