Tania Mace

I am a freelance historian working in Auckland.  I studied at Auckland University where I received a BA majoring in history and philosophy in 1993 and an MA (Hons) in history in 1998.  Since then I have been working as a freelance historian mainly in the heritage field.  I have worked for conservation architects, archaeologists, local bodies, government departments, educational providers and private individuals and have researched and written histories of numerous buildings, places and sites for a large number of reports including conservation plans, archaeological reports, thematic heritage reports, heritage assessments and heritage walks.  I have also written two books (see below).  








A History of St James Kindergarten 1913-2013

A centenary publication tracing the history of St James Kindergarten (now known as Grey Lynn Kindergarten) and providing an overview of the origins of the kindergarten movement.

For the Children: A History of the Auckland Kindergarten Association 1908-2016

Beginning with an overview of the origins of the kindergarten movement and the early development of kindergartens in New Zealand, this book goes on to trace the history of the Auckland Kindergarten Association and the kindergartens, KiNZ centres and playgroups established and run by the Association.