Hingawaka Christopher Patara

About you

Hingawaka Christopher Patara also known as Chris is a dedicated professional with a diverse background and a strong commitment to serving others. Currently, he works full-time in disability support, providing essential care and assistance to individuals with various needs. His empathetic nature and problem-solving skills have proven invaluable in this role, enabling him to make a significant difference in the lives of those he supports. In addition to his full-time role, Hingawaka also works casually as a Housemaster and hospital Orderly. These roles have further honed his skills in leadership, organization, and patient care, demonstrating his ability to excel in a variety of settings. However, Hingawaka’s interests extend beyond his professional life.

He is a passionate student of philosophy and science, with a particular interest in the realms of esoteric thought. This intellectual curiosity drives him to constantly seek new knowledge and perspectives, enriching his understanding of the world and its complexities. Moreover, Hingawaka is a self-publishing author, having made passive investments in the local community independently navigating and distributing his works with associates and collaborators throughout Dunedin validating the commitment to his authorship. His works reflect his deep interest in metaphysics, consciousness, and the relationship between science and spirituality. Through his writing, he aims to explore these complex topics and share his insights with a wider audience. Finally, Hingawaka is a networking affiliate, leveraging his extensive connections to foster collaborations and partnerships. His ability to build and maintain relationships has been instrumental in his success in this role. In summary, Hingawaka Christopher Patara is a multifaceted professional and scholar, committed to serving others, pursuing knowledge, and contributing to intellectual discourse. His diverse experiences and interests make him a unique and valuable member of any academic or professional community. His self-published works further demonstrate his commitment to sharing knowledge and fostering intellectual growth.


  • Adult Non-Fiction
  • Mind Body Spirit


  • Academic Writing
  • Corporate Writing
  • Freelance Writing
  • Ghost Writing
  • Research






Metaphysics & Consciousness: An Emerald Perspective

Our first title, "Metaphysics & Consciousness: An Emerald Perspective," serves as a foundation for our solutions. This meticulously crafted book is tailored to both novices and experts in the field, ensuring accessibility for readers of all levels of familiarity with the subject. By simplifying complex concepts without compromising depth, we empower readers to explore and grasp the principles of metaphysics and consciousness.

In order to provide a unique and enriching reading experience, our book offers a comparative analysis that delves into the parallels between modern interpretations of metaphysics and consciousness and the ancient Hermetic text, "The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean." This approach allows readers to establish meaningful connections between contemporary thought and the timeless wisdom found in ancient texts. By exploring these connections, readers gain a deeper understanding of metaphysics and consciousness and develop a broader perspective on these subjects.

Our commitment to offering practical value to our readers goes beyond presenting theoretical knowledge. In "Metaphysics & Consciousness: An Emerald Perspective," we provide tangible ways to apply the discussed theories in everyday life. By bridging the gap between theory and practice, our book equips readers with the tools and guidance needed to incorporate metaphysical and conscious practices into their daily routines. This empowers individuals to experience the transformative power of these concepts firsthand.

We recognize the growing fascination for ancient wisdom and esoteric traditions among readers. To meet this interest, our book deliberately intertwines the exploration of metaphysics and consciousness with the wisdom found in "The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean." This connection not only adds depth and richness to our work but also enhances its appeal to a wide audience. By tapping into the curiosity surrounding ancient wisdom, our book stands out as a valuable resource for those seeking to explore the realms of metaphysics and consciousness.

Our book, "Metaphysics & Consciousness: An Emerald Perspective," serves as a valuable addition to any reader's collection by providing a fresh perspective on metaphysics and consciousness. Regardless of their level of expertise in these subjects, readers will find our work to be an invaluable resource that facilitates a seamless integration of ancient wisdom with contemporary thought.

"Blurb" from the back jacket of the Book as follows:

From the infinitesimal point of potential, a conscious intention to exist emerged. It is postulated that the Universe expanded outward from within, manifesting into an infinite array of expressions - The Seeker.

Embark on a journey across the vast expanse of thought-provoking ideas designed to foster self-initiation and self-realization. We are all finite perspectives of infinite expression. “What IF” and “What IS” are merely fractals of space and opportunity, not voids, but a “Space-Time Continuum of Opportunity”.

Throughout the epic of humanity, as it is often termed, we have innovated, invented, engineered, and cultivated, to name but a few activities within this historical “Space-Time Continuum” of events, history, and the eternity of the vast cosmos, more commonly identified as Universal Consciousness. Humanity, in its sentience, is yet to realize its unity, its interconnectedness, its Light in Extension. Among all that is created, the notion of creations as creators has been a pillar of allegory whispered among many other secrets throughout the ages. This is akin only to those who are attuned to its realization, intrigued by its discovery, and yearning to experience it. Seek. Adventure. Discover. Uncover. Reveal. Realize and Understand. Such an idea may be beyond comprehension, yet persistence is never discouraged.

In as recent as the last two decades, the idea of understanding the anomaly or phenomenon, whichever term you prefer, of Consciousness and the final frontier of Universal Consciousness has been an epic journey of various perspectives and fields of study, an infinitude of expressions seeking to understand its very essence. In acknowledgment of science, its field of Metaphysics could very well serve as a bridge between Science and Spirituality in modern times. The alchemists and philosophers of old knew these truths, as did the ancient civilizations that left behind their testaments of understanding, passed down and inherited through the design of megalithic structures, cuneiform tablets, cultures, and diversity, all illustrating their knowledge, wisdom, and information. One such testament is that of The Emerald Tablets of Thoth & The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus. Many perspectives. Many interpretations. Many expressions of Consciousness itself.

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