Trish Palmer

Playwright, story teller, author, and so much more!

Living off-grid in a quiet rural valley, I am blessed with the essentials in life; family, friends, fun and food. As well as coastal fishing, I enjoy gold panning, reading, exploring, and games like Dominion and Catan.

Whether I am working on the farm, restoring the native bush block, or tending the garden, stories pop up from nowhere and insist on being written. Sometimes they make me laugh out loud when they arrive, which can be a bit disconcerting to anyone nearby !

Laughter, respect and living lightly on this planet underline most of my philosophies. Local issues often provoke me to action, and I can’t bear inequitable practices.

I write with pen and paper. Editing happens only when the work is transferred to the computer, and each story has to survive being read to a couple of special folk before it is allowed out in public. I like to lighten the readers day through laughter, or create thought, so my work tends to be humorous or tackling social issues, and often both.

Work has been published in Short story anthologies and won the odd award or two, which is satisfying. Several plays have been selected for production, including in Europe. Two plays, produced in France, are available on youtube. My poetry has survived Live poets evenings, with kind audience feedback.

 'Knock, knock; confessions of a New Zealand interviewer' published by Upstart Press in 2021 ' shares stories from over 25 years of interviewing door-to-door and over the phone. Whether being locked in by a man, or dealing with a swearing parrot; there are stories generating laughter, tears and laughter again.

Since some folk find such things important, I guess that I should mention a Diploma in Creative Writing. I am involved with the local branch of NZ Society of Authors, enjoying sharing this writing journey with fellow writers.



  • Plays


  • Playwriting


Top of the South




Knock Knock

Confessions of a Kiwi Market research interviewer.

Published by Upstart Press 2021