Trisha Hanifin








Flash fiction and short story publications and awards

Flash Fiction: Lorca’s Little Bird – Bath Flash Fiction Anthology 2016 (forthcoming publication) - long-listed February 2016 competition Geometry – Flash Frontier – February 2015 Splinters – Flash Frontier, February 2014 With our eyes closed we begin to dance – Flash Frontier, July 2014 – Auckland regional winner and 2nd place in NZ National Flash Fiction competition 2014 The pine-needled earth – Tuesday Poem – December 2014 The last Christmas cake – Turbine 2013 Short stories: Me and Bobby Magee – Ingenio, Spring 2014 (The University of Auckland Alumni Magazine) - 1st place Ingenio short story competition 2014 The Rings of Saturn - 2011 BNZ Literary Awards – 3rd place novice section Spear points – 2011 Graeme Lay Short Story Competition (NZSA) – commended Fly Away – 2008 Sunday Star Times Short Story Competition – finalist/highly commended Living with Lucinda – 2008 Rawene Writers’ Festival Short Story Competition (NZSA) - 2nd place

Facing the Challenge: Foundation Learning for Adults in Aotearoa New Zealand, (eds) John Benseman & Alison Sutton, Dunmore Publishing Ltd, 2008

In this book on adult literacy and foundation learning, Trisha wrote the chapter: "It’s more than reading and writing: The nature and extent of adults’ literacy issues."