Victor Ronald MacGill

I have two self published books, When the Dragon Stirs, healing our wounded lives through fairy stories myths and legends and Gonna Lay Down My Sword and Shield, A complexity perspective on human evolution from a violent past to a compassionatre future. I co-edited two more books. I have just received an offer of contract from Routledge book for Reconnect, finding wholeness through the science of connecting. I have another book written I will seek to publish next.


  • Adult Non-Fiction


  • Academic Writing


Top of the South




When the Dragon Stirs: Healing our woundedlives through fairy stories, myths and legends

Self published in 1995: This book looks behind myths and legends to see what they can teach us about healing emotional wounds. The characters of fairy stories are archetypes that we can come to know and work with to heal our wounded past.

Gonna Lay Down my Sword and SHield: A complexity perspective on human evolution from a violent past to a compassionate future

Self published in 2012.

The book looks at history through a complexity science lens exploring the nature of violence and how its use has changed through different social structure and what we need to do to create more loving and compassionate futures.

Reconnect: Finding Wholeness through the Science of Connecting

I have just been offered a contract with Routledge for my first book published by a publisher. It is called Reconnect: Finding Wholeness through the Science of Connecting. This joins two of my passions, Systems Theory and my work in reducing family violence. I have used Systems Theory in working with clients for nearly thirty years. Systems Theory tries to look for  how parts interact anf fit into bogger pictures rather than pulling thiings apart. It looks at relationships andunder what conditions they throve and what conditions they do fail. Systems Theory can be applied to almost any topic especially in the human realm. the last ten years especially have seen me develop a programme that has made a difference in hundreds of people's lives. I hope this book will extend this much more.