Viv Aitken

Kia ora, my name is Viv

I'm pleased to be part of the NZ Society of Authors as I'm from a family of writers. My mother is still a prolific novelist, and my father (who was a film and theatre reviewer and writer of YA fiction) was a proud member of PEN for many years. One of my daughters is continuing the tradition, studing her PhD in creative writing at Victoria University, Wellington. I'm very proud of them all.

As for me, I mostly write for teachers and scholars in education. My particular interest is in drama as pedagogy / dramatic inquiry. I have published 28 peer reviewed papers and other articles and contributed to several books. My most recently publication was Real in All the Ways that Matter - Weaving learning across the curriculum with Mantle of the Expert Published by NZCER in 2021.

I am currently working on another book for teachers, which I'm co-authoring with a colleague from the UK. I'm also working on online materials for teachers.

I have mentored other writers, supporting students to PhD level.

I also enjoy creative writing for enjoyment - mostly journalling but also short stories, creative non-fiction and the occasional poem. I'd love to try songwriting one day.


  • Academic
  • Adult Non-Fiction
  • Text Books


  • Academic Writing
  • Mentoring
  • Public Speaking


Central Districts



Real in all the ways that matter - Weaving learning across the curriculum with Mantle of the Expert

Publication date: 14 April 2021

"Open this book to discover why and how you can transform your classroom with the Mantle of the Expert approach to dramatic inquiry. The theoretical sections and the descriptions of practice are as carefully created, presented, and engaging as Viv’s masterful teaching. Inquire, savor, and then share this gem with your teaching colleagues."

Prof Brian Edmiston, Ohio State University, USA.