
Blackball Writer’s Residency – open for applications.



The village of Blackball (pop. 300) on the West Coast of the South Island has both a history of good writing and good writers plus a tradition of activism. It offers a Readers and Writers Festival, a Writer’s Retreat and now, thanks to Creative NZ support, a Writer’s Residency.

The residency is available for 4 weeks which could be split or shared, with free accommodation in, and sole occupancy of, the Brian Wood cottage, a traditional miner’s cottage at the entrance to the village. We have no objection to an accompanying partner. The cottage has three bedrooms is simple and comfortable with a wood fire, internet and plenty of room to work. If you occasionally feel like writing in a more social setting, the Blackball Inn has a snug which is available.

There is a stipend of $700 per week. The resident will be responsible for food and transport, although if without a personal car, shopping trips to town can be accommodated.

The project you’re working on can be fiction (all genres), poetry, history, or advocacy. It will tend to have a working class flavour, or activist interest, or a Coast theme, but we are also interested in these difficult times, in the portal to the future. While you will generally be left alone there are the following requirements attached to the residency:

  • to give a short talk on a topic of your choice at each of the libraries (Westport, Greymouth and Hokitika) – this can be the same talk in each location and will be scheduled for 5pm so that the working day is not interrupted;
  • to run a 2-3 hour workshop for a small group of selected senior primary or junior secondary students – this doesn’t have to be overly didactic but rather offer students a glimpse of life as a writer;
  • at the end of the residency that you briefly read something of what you’ve been writing, to locals at one of the pubs; and finally;
  • to write a report which will be useful for future funding applications.

You can interact with the community at your discretion. We could make the occasional dinner invitation available if you wished.

To apply write a letter outlining your plan for the residency, a short CV and a 2000 word writing sample. Your level of experience and track record will of course be factors, but those at the beginning of their career will be seriously considered.

Applications close June 21 and the residency should be started before September 1st. The selection panel consists of Bathhouse Co-op members, Paul Maunder, Catherine Woollett, Jeffrey Paparoa Holman, and Paddy Richardson.  Respond to wkcultur@gmail.com

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