Calling all New Zealand LGBTQIA+ writers!

Be a part of our 2022 Samesame but Different Festival by submitting to our Peter Wells Short Fiction Contest. In 2022 our Festival theme is ‘Legacy‘; with this in mind, we have decided this year to ask writers to include the phrase ‘once upon a time’ somewhere in their story.

First prize is $1000 for the winning story, $500 for the runner-up and $500 for the best writing by a promising young writer aged under 25.

Writers do not have to restrict their story to any particular theme, but the phrase ‘once upon a time’ must appear in the story. It may be used in any way and in any place in the story. As always, it is excellence that the judges are looking for. Past winners have demonstrated originality and good storytelling. Their work has been about inventiveness, imagination and the powerful use of language.

 The maximum word limit of 2000 words must not be exceeded, with a minimum requirement of 1200 words.

Entries will close on 5 January 2022.

 For more info, and to enter, visit here.

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