Campbell Champions NZ’s Creatives

Thank you John Campbell for recognising the over-riding cultural importance of NZ stories from NZ writers …


One of mainstream media’s leading arts advocates, John Campbell explains how he’s taking his passion for Aotearoa’s writers to a new audience this week.
John Campbell doesn’t put his name to just anything.

One of New Zealand’s highest regarded broadcasters, interviewers and storytellers, the effusive Campbell shies away from MCing gigs these days, not interested in the corporate hosting circuit where he would be in great demand.

There is one exception to his rule.

“I’m really interested in events celebrating writing or writers, I’m really into it.”

And it shows. Campbell’s enthusiasm and passion for those who craft the written word is clear for anyone who’s seen him drive engaging conversations on stage at the likes of Word Christchurch, the Auckland Writers Festival and Booktown Featherston……

See John Campbell present the Prime MInisters Literary Awards here



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