caselberg trust elizabeth brooke-carr emerging writers resident 2024 is kate aschoff

The Caselberg Trust announced today that the recipient of its Elizabeth Brooke-Carr Emerging Writers Residency in 2024 will be Pōneke (Wellington) multi-media artist and writer Kate Aschoff.


Kate is a queer, Pākehā multimedia artist and they have a background in theatre, campaigning, and community organising. Kate has poetry in Starling, Takahē, The Spinoff, Bad Apple, and in a series of self-published zines.

The residency is named after well-known and much-loved Dunedin writer Elizabeth Brooke-Carr who died in 2019. The residency, which is for one week each year, was established thanks to the generous fundraising undertaken by Elizabeth’s family, friends, and colleagues of Ms Brooke-Carr who wanted to provide for an annual residency at the Caselberg house in Broad Bay in her honour.

“We are absolutely delighted to be able to make this announcement today, and we look forward to welcoming Kate to the Caselberg house in the middle of 2024. This residency commemorates a great friend and supporter of the Caselberg Trust, Dunedin writer Elizabeth Brooke-Carr” said Dr Janet Downs Chairperson Caselberg Trust “Elizabeth was the inaugural Caselberg Trust writer-in-residence back in 2009, and she often talked about how much the experience meant to her as an emerging writer who took up writing in her later years”

Kate said “. I am beyond delighted to be selected for this residency at the Caselberg house in Ōtepoti Dunedin.” Kate will spend their time at the house hoping to continue editing their first book of poetry and creating new zine-based work.

“I strive to keep my writing intimate, diaristic, and confessional. But I also aim to be silly and playful, reference pop culture, and break down traditional forms of poetry. I first and foremost write to know and understand myself. To make peace with life. My creative practice helps me find myself, over and over again.”

The residency shifts focus slightly each year by offering emerging writers from a variety of writing genres – poetry, fiction, non-fiction, journalism. This year’s focus is on zines.

The Caselberg Trust purchased the Broad Bay, Dunedin home of the late John and Anna Caselberg in 2006, with the aim of hosting creative residencies in the house. Since inception, the Trust has held a variety of creative projects and events, as well as hosting several well-known New Zealand writers and artists at the cottage.

Kate will start their residency in July.

Please contact Trustee Robert West at or mobile 027 608 0641 for further information.

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