• Australian Society of Authors warns Government sustainability of Australian writing careers under threat

    The Australian Society of Authors has told a Federal Inquiry into the Creative and Cultural Industries that the sustainability of writing careers is under threat and has called for an overhaul in the way the Australian Government invests in and supports Australian writers. Our submission to the Inquiry addresses the immense value of Australian literature but also […]

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  • Mātātuhi Foundation supports six NZ literary initiatives

    The Mātātuhi Foundation announces funding for six initiatives from writers, editors and organisations that will enhance or develop the literary landscape of New Zealand. Sonya Wilson: To support the promotion and expansion of the children’s literacy project ‘Kiwi Christmas Books’ beyond Auckland. Verb Wellington: To support the establishment of an emerging writer’s residency in the […]

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  • Arts, Culture and Heritage – cultural regeneration packages

       2 November 2020 This afternoon, the Prime Minister announced her government’s Cabinet portfolios. This has seen some changes for the Arts, Culture and Heritage portfolios with Hon Carmel Sepuloni taking on the role of Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage with Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern and Kiri Allan as associates. Hon Grant Robertson has retained his portfolio as […]

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  • Book sector highlights cultural, social and economic importance of valuing creative rights

    Wednesday 4 November 2020   The New Zealand Society of Authors, the Publishers Association of New Zealand, and Copyright Licensing New Zealand have teamed up to put creative rights and their importance – for writers, the local book sector, and for our country – in the spotlight.   Creative Rights = Creative Reads is a […]

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  • Exhibition exploring online misinformation to tour NZ

    Tohatoha and InternetNZ to bring ‘The Glass Room’ to Kiwi schools and libraries  A globally successful public exhibition that explores how social media and the Internet have changed the way we interact with information online is set to visit New Zealand for the first time, with support from Tohatoha and InternetNZ. Called The Glass Room: […]

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  • Society of Authors Opens £600,000 Hardship Fund for Scotland’s Authors

    NB  Preliminary note from NZSA: The Australian Society of Authors and the UK Society of Authors both received government funding for emergency authors grants. We know a lot of our members have had a very difficult year and NZSA would have liked to offer a relief fund for our most hard-hit members. We know that […]

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  • Today’s the Day – OCT 17 – BOOKSHOP DAY AOTEAROA #buylocal#supportlocal

    2020 will see us celebrate NZ Bookshop Day for the sixth time, drawing thousands of people into their local bookshops to buy books to celebrate their third place: their local bookshop. This year will see dozens of bookshops throughout New Zealand celebrate their communities with a range of events, competitions and exciting activities. See a few highlights by clicking through to […]

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  •  #CreativeWitnesses and #FreeExpression – Pen International film

    A PEN International filmed event shares a film called Creative Witnesses, which will be premiered on YouTube on Thursday, 15th October.    #CreativeWitnesses and #FreeExpression. It will showcase new and original creative work by musicians and artists, inspired by writers who have been imprisonned, harassed, or even lost their lives because of their commitment to freedom […]

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  • NZ Writers Guild asks screen and quota questions of all political parties – read here

    What are your party’s Arts, Culture and Heritage and Broadcasting policies? Labour The arts and creative sectors are vitally important to the New Zealand economy, which contributes nearly $11 billion a year to GDP, employs 90,000 people and supports the wellbeing of our communities. However, our arts sector has been deeply impacted by COVID-19. We’re […]

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  • Call for judges of the 2021 New Zealand Book Awards for Children and Young Adult

    1 OCTOBER 2020 The organisers of the New Zealand Book Awards for Children and Young Adults are calling for expressions of interest from members of the children’s literature community who may like to be considered as judges of the 2021 awards. Applications are now open to all those with suitable qualifications and experience, and will […]

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  • STORYLINES NOTABLE BOOKS AWARDS 2020 – brochure release

    STORYLINES NOTABLE BOOKS AWARDS Storylines 2021 Notable Book Awards The 2021 Storylines Notable Book Awards will be presented in October next year, to maximise the potential for booksellers to highlight the award-winning books to parents and wider whānau as Christmas gift options. The 2021 awards therefore cover a one-off 19-month period, with a 31 August 2021 […]

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  • Congratulations to NZSA member Lorraine Orman – the 2020 Betty Gilderdale Award recipient

    Storylines Children’s Literature Charitable Trust of New Zealand Te Whare Waituhi Tamariki o Aotearoa Storylines Betty Gilderdale Award for 2020 goes to writer and mentor Lorraine Orman   Christchurch author, librarian and reviewer Lorraine Orman is the winner of the 2020 Storylines Betty Gilderdale Award for services to New Zealand children’s literature. Her achievements as […]

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