• The price of literature: writers take on Government over fair pay

    By Kelly Dennett  May 24 2020 Writers fear their ability to earn will be further eroded as the results of reviews affecting their revenue streams near completion.   Maurice Gee recalls it wasn’t until he was mid-career that he and his wife felt financially comfortable enough for him to commit to his writing full-time. By that […]

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  • CLNZ $120,000 Contestable Fund Grants awarded – recipients announced

    We are pleased to announce the successful recipients of the Special Round of Contestable Fund Grants 2020.   In order to support the industry during the COVID-19 pandemic, Copyright Licensing New Zealand released a special fund of $120,000 for short-term projects that could be started straight away and completed by the end of September this […]

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  • Trump Administration Would ‘Eviscerate’ Copyright, Say Industry Players

    In News by Porter Anderson   May 8, 2020 The effort by the Office of Science and Technology Policy to change intellectual property protections in research publication draws ‘serious legal, policy, and economic concerns.’   ‘Weakening US Leadership’ In what a study from University College of London’s Genetics Institute has revealed this week, by December, […]

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  • Canadian Publishers on Court Setback: ‘Copyright Framework Is Broken’

    May 4, 2020 A new court decision condemns certain ‘fair use’ guidelines by the educational sector, but doesn’t support the mandate to pay the fees set by Canada’s copyright board. At York University in Toronto. Image – iStockphoto: Peter Spiro By Porter Anderson, Editor-in-Chief | @Porter_Anderson ‘Illegal and Unfair Copying on a Systematic Basis’ After […]

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  • In its World Intellectual Property Day statement, the IPA warns against ‘a pretext of emergency access.’

    In News by Porter AndersonApril 27, 2020 IPA on Intellectual Property Day: ‘How Much Value Publishers Bring’ French citizens wait to enter a shop in Chartres under lockdown restrictions on April 4. Image – iStockphoto: Razvan ‘When We Need a Strong Legal Framework’ The springtime march of international issue observance days—as we wrote in our […]

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  • World Book and Copyright Day – international news

    By Porter Anderson, Editor-in-Chief | @Porter_Anderson FEP Predicts a 25-Percent Loss of Revenue   Much of the World Book and Copyright Day messaging of the past 25 years since UNESCO approved the observance has been given to reveries about the charms of reading—especially with your children. A UNESCO proclamation approved at the agency’s Paris general […]

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  • Effect of USA ‘Fair Use’ copyright legislation hits hard on authors’ incomes

    US Authors Guild Income Survey results   15th April 2020 Authors earnings, News, USA Multiple studies have suggested that authors’ earnings are in decline around the world. In 2018, the Authors Guild surveyed its membership and the members of 14 other writers’ organisations for its 2018 Author Income Survey, receiving detailed responses from 5,067 authors […]

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  • CLNZ launches new contestable funding round – Open April 15-Closes April 29

    Applications are now open for a Special Round of Contestable Fund Grants, with $120,000 available to apply for.   Copyright Licensing New Zealand is running a Special Round of its Contestable Fund Grants in order to support short-term projects that have arisen or been developed to respond to the changed environment in the New Zealand […]

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     Guidelines for libraries, schools and early childhood education centres Schools, libraries and early childhood education centres are keen to ensure that New Zealand children are still able to enjoy all that a good book has to offer during these unsettling times. Providing storytimes for children through online platforms is something that New Zealand authors and […]

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  • Review of the Public Lending Right for New Zealand Author

    A review of the Public Lending Right for New Zealand Authors scheme started in March 2020. We have contacted people who have previously registered for the scheme and asked them to participate in a survey. If you wish to participate you can email us.   What is the Public Lending Right scheme?   The Public […]

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  • Shaping A New Future: Canada Council to make historic $5 million investment in PLR

    As a key element of its strategic commitment to increase direct support to artists, the Canada Council for the Arts has committed a total of $5 million in new funds to the creator payment budget of its Public Lending Right Program. The new funds are scheduled to arrive over a two-year period, starting with $2.5 […]

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  • IAF members in UK concerned by government withdrawal of support for authors’ rights

    29th January 2020 EU, News, UK With the UK Government announcing it will not be implementing the EU Copyright Directive, the authors’ community in the UK have criticised this move away from protecting authors’ rights. IAF members the Authors’ Licensing and Collecting Society (ALCS) and the Society of Authors have both issued statements urging the […]

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