From 27 September to 11 October booklovers from around the country are invited to join thousands of other readers in New Zealand’s biggest online book club, Together We Read. This year the chosen book is local author Charity Norman’s Remember Me, a heartfelt, page-turning suspense novel. All you need to take part is a […]

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      Contact:  General information All welcome! These courses are designed to encourage exploration and discussion, while advancing your own writing. Classes are dynamic, with newcomers and experienced writers sharing a common, congenial space. We meet in Zoom; 2 hours each week for 8 weeks. Intensive reading, writing and sharing!   Historical Fiction Exploring the elements […]

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  • Congrats to Ruben Mita – winner of a fine line Featured Student Poet

    Ruben Mita has been awarded a free years’ NZSA membership for taking out top spot in the ‘a fine line’ student poet competition.   Ruben Mita is a poet, musician and ecology student in Pōneke. He has been published in Starling, Landfall, takahē, Tarot and Sweet Mammalian and won the 2022 Story Inc. IIML Poetry […]

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  • The Coalition for Books annual Winter Hui series – register now

    The Coalition for Books is hosting four Zoom hui to bring our members and the broader book sector together to discuss current challenges and to promote dialogue about sector needs. The hui are each an hour-long between 27 July – 8 August. More Hui #1 – Thursday July 27th @10.00 am Writers Festivals Post Covid […]

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  • Oceanofpdf.com at it again – Book Piracy Alert!

    Ebook piracy website oceanofpdf.com are at it again and many of our member’s books are available for free download from this site (including NZ’s recent Acorn Award for Fiction winner The Axeman’s Carnival). If you find your book is being supplied from this site without your or your publisher’s permission, we encourage you to take action […]

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  • Books without barriers: a practical guide to inclusive publishing

    27 April 2023 | resources-for-editors Books without barriers is written and designed by members of IPEd’s Accessibility Initiative Working Party. It outlines the barriers to reading that people with print disability may experience if their needs are not supported, and describes how to avoid creating these barriers at each stage of the publishing process.   The guide is […]

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  • Ōrongohau | Best New Zealand Poems 2022 channels the renewable energy of poetry

    14 April 2023 The latest edition of the online anthology Ōrongohau | Best New Zealand Poems (BNZP) is now live. This issue features 25 poems chosen by acclaimed poet and Starling journal founder Louise Wallace from thousands published in 2022.   “I tried to pick poems that were the poet’s best, that surprised me with […]

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  • Emma Neale to judge $1000 Kathleen Grattan Prize for a Sequence of Poems

    11 April 2023 International Writers’ Workshop NZ Inc (IWW) is thrilled to announced that New Zealand poet Emma Neale will judge The Kathleen Grattan Prize for a Sequence of Poems in October.   The competition, which has been made possible by a bequest from the late Jocelyn Grattan in memory of her mother, Kathleen, is […]

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  • Working Together: Accessibility in Aotearoa Theatre – new resource available

    In this Arts For All Network national Zoom hui, Henrietta Bollinger and Nathan Mudge talk about the new Playmarket resource they wrote. A best-practice guide for working with practitioners and communities with access needs, It covers programming, planning, policies, budgets, contracts, riders, remuneration, rehearsal rooms, schedules, warm-ups, intimacy, costumes and make up, and design. It […]

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  • IPEd Editors Conference May 2-9, 2023

    Earlybird registrations open for the online IPEd Editors Conference   Earlybird registrations are available for the 11th IPEd Editors Conference, a virtual event with special access after-play facilities from 2 to 9 May 2023. Centred around the theme of “Futureproofing the editing profession”, the biennial conference has an amazing line-up of speakers and panellists, with […]

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  • CNZ Global Digital New Work Fund and the Global Digital Research Fund OPEN NOW

    The Global Digital New Work Fund and the Global Digital Research Fund opened March 10. Kaupapa This fund supports researching, developing and/or creating new digital artwork for an international audience.  The aim of the fund is to amplify innovative digital arts practice and encourage exploration and experimentation. It does this by supporting the development of […]

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  • Creative New Zealand appoints Toi ki Tua to deliver new digital service to arts sector 

    MEDIA RELEASE The Arts Council (Creative New Zealand’s governing body) is pleased to announce the appointment of Toi ki Tua, a company owned by We Are Indigo, to establish and deliver a new Digital Arts Commissioning and Capability Service.   The new service will give artists and arts organisations the opportunity to utilise the latest […]

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