• Jennifer Egan’s Guide to Literary Activism

    Award-winning novelist, journalist, and President of PEN America Jennifer Egan shares her top picks for our toolkit feature—ways to learn more and stay connected to the conversation—three people to follow, three things to read, and three organizations to check out and support. PEOPLE TO FOLLOW Acclaimed writer of fiction and nonfiction Valeria Luiselli Author and […]

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  • PEN AMERICA – Defending Journalistic Freedoms

    SIGN NOW: End the harassment and surveillance of journalists. Defend press freedom at our southern border. The Trump administration’s targeting of journalists has reached a new level. Recent reports from the U.S.-Mexico border—and leaked documents from a Department of Homeland Security whistleblower—indicate that US government agencies have been tracking and monitoring over 50 individuals, mostly […]

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  • New Zealand Society of Authors condemns Christchurch massacre

    Disponible en arabe ?????? ?????? ???????  International PEN Charter The New Zealand Society of Authors (PEN NZ Inc) Te Puni Kaituhi o Aotearoa sends love and support to our devasted communities across Aotearoa. PEN International condemns this act of cowardice and hate. Every NZSA regional branch and council meeting begins with reference to the empty chair […]

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  • Manus Island detainee wins major Australian Book Award

    Detained Manus refugee wins Australia’s richest literary prize Behrouz Boochani … wrote his award-winning book bit-by-bit via text messaging and Whats App from Papua New Guinea… An Iranian asylum-seeker detained in Papua New Guinea under Australian asylum laws has won Australia’s most valuable literary prize for a book he reportedly wrote using the online messaging […]

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  • Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie speaks out FOR Freedom of Speech and AGAINST Fake News for PEN AMERICA

    There is a Western idea that wickedness, when committed by a certain kind of person and in a certain kind of way, is worthy of being engaged with. And there are certain things that people said would never happen in this country. But they are in fact happening. It is at times like these that […]

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  • NZSA Oral History Podcast Episode 2: Gordon McLauchlan OUT NOW

    NZSA Oral History Podcast Episode 2: Gordon McLauchlan Through his writing, radio and television projects Gordon McLauchlan is known for his wit, cultural criticism and works of New Zealand history. He also played a critical role in securing authors rights, advocating as president of the NZSA for kiwi writers during the economic reforms of the […]

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    “PEN declares for a free press and opposes arbitrary censorship. It believes that the necessary advance of the world toward a more highly organized political and economic order renders free criticism of governments, administrations, and institutions imperative.” —PEN Charter, 1948 October 16, 2018 Today PEN America, represented by the nonpartisan nonprofit Protect Democracy and the Yale […]

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  • MEDIA STATEMENT: The New Zealand Society of Authors (PEN NZ Inc) Te Puni Kaituhi o Aotearoa Supports Women Writers

    New information detailing that women writers in New Zealand are targeted for abuse is a cause for concern. Writer and publisher Lani Wendt-Young recently tweeted about a history of Facebook abuse she has been subjected to, including rape and death threats. In an interview published in Stuff, the author of the Young Adult series Telesa, […]

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  • New Human Rights Commissioner responds to concerns over hate speech protections

    Paula Tesoriero: We strongly support right to freedom of speech 11 Jun, 2018 Rights are not absolute and they do not exist in isolation. Photo / 123RF NZ Herald By: Paula Tesoriero I am concerned at recurring speculation that the Human Rights Commission is campaigning to limit free speech. Those who hold this view say we […]

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  • English Pen event: Celebrating Nelson Mandela: His Letters, His Legacy

    PENmandelaletters To mark the centenary of Nelson Mandela’s birth on 18 July and the publication of The Prison Letters of Nelson Mandela (Liveright) on 10 July, English PEN is holding an evening of readings with very special guests on 17 July. Taking place at the Union Chapel in London, the event features letters by Nelson Mandela from […]

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  • GLOBAL: Free media week killings underscore crimes of impunity against journalists

      http://www.pmc.aut.ac.nz/pacific-media-watch/global-free-media-week-killings-underscore-crimes-impunity-against-journalists-1 A press freedom protest in the Philippines capital of Manila   over the latest killing of a radio journalist.  Thursday, May 3, 2018  By David Robie      AUCKLAND (Asia Pacific Report/Pacific Media Watch): Monday – just three days before today’s World Press Freedom Day – was the deadliest day for news media in Afghanistan in […]

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     On World Press Freedom Day PEN calls for justice for Daphne Caruana Galizia and the protection of journalists and rights activists fighting for justice in her case  3 May 2018 – Daphne Caruana Galizia, a prominent investigative journalist and blogger, was assassinated on 16 October 2017 near her house in Bidnija, Malta, in a targeted […]

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